Gotta say ... little disappointed with Trigger

A little OT but....are you able to sidechain trigger in Protools? I wanna try the suppression feature but the key input button doesn't appear at all.....

no, I think trigger has been written in/for Cubase's using this incredibly backwards way of sidechaining which involves creating groups/aux and sending signals to different sides of that group.
it does work though, it's just really annoying and time/track/bus-consuming compared to proper sidechaining.

but I'm not complaining about that, the other replacers can't do the suppression thing at all...just something that would be great if it could be improved (I'm sure that's not a big thing to implement a real sidechain function).
doesn't keep me from using it.
the phase inconsistency does though
yeah. it worked pretty well for me but i was still having to fix hits here and there..
now triggering it with Massey DTM like i was with aptrigga and its just made of win.
I had to quite a bit of automation to get what i wanted out of trigger in terms of conistancy on faster/harder bits and then dynamics on quieter bits.
With Dtm, make midi, then just drag those velocities where you want em when you want em. Print.DONE
now i got my ilok but the plugin doesn´t show in nuendo as a loaded plugin.
in wavelab it crashes the program instantly.....

i got all my authorization on the ilok. this really sucks again. i´m always having trouble with slate stuff. too bad i fell onto the hype going on here with trigger.
now i got my ilok but the plugin doesn´t show in nuendo as a loaded plugin.
in wavelab it crashes the program instantly.....

i got all my authorization on the ilok. this really sucks again. i´m always having trouble with slate stuff. too bad i fell onto the hype going on here with trigger.

I can't say I don't like any of the Slate stuff, he and his engineers are having GREAT Ideas, there HEAPS of potential in all his products, what's annoying people I think is that they/we are beta testers and there are always so many things that are not working like they should in the first place (started with the samples where some had stick-clicks in the end, others had the tail cut off, then the next the next version came where the same samples were just given different names (old 18= new 21 or 22 etc), other samples that sounded good in the old version wheren't available anymore in the new version (like the old 5 which sounds nothing like the new 5. then the SSD kontaktplayer came which is ppretty much unusable in PT for stability reasons, now Trigger which has been hyped beyond every reason.

all this sounds way more negative than I mean it, as I said, I really like Slates stuff and all his stuff has got TONS of'll be fucking killer once it's working as advertised....till then it always leaves a bitter aftertaste for me cause there are always so many little things that make it unusable without having to use some backwards workaround :(

and as I said before, I just don't have the time to beta-test someones product that's supposed to be working without problems already, I need to finish my stuff in time, that means I have to use plugins that WORK from the moment I start using them....if I have to wait for 5 Updates to fix some of the issues (while the main problems are still unfixed) it's just not a plugin I can use professionally
these are my feelings, too. and that was the reason i didn´t want to buy trigger at first but hardly anyone said anything bad about it.
if you have to earn money with your studio (as i have to) you can´t rely on such a product.
i have better things to do than messing around for hours to get a program to work.
Loading with Samplitude Pro 11.1 on Windows 7 x64 Trigger 1.5 works flawlessy and outperforms DrumXChanger by lightyears. Trigger x64 also loads fine with jBridge.

Maybe the problems reported here is host compability related?
not really having any problems with it here. glad I jumped on it while I could get it for a good price. I hope they continue to support it by adding useful features and improving it as time goes on.
well, whether some reaper/cubase etc users are not having ANY trouble or not doesn't really help...and we've heard before that it's working flawlessly for some people...
but for us it's NOT and we're not imagining it ;).
mightbe that it's just not working like it should in PT or whatever...but I'm not engineering this software, so I don't really care WHY, fact is it's not working like promised for some people.
good to hear it's working great for others though....but that doesn't solve the problem
this was just posted on gearslutz:

We are uploading the 1.6 update right now! This should really eliminate any problems users on Logic were having with the buffer issue. We're looking into any PT8 problems but we can't duplicate any of the bugs on our PT8 machines. PT is our most popular format for TRIGGER users and for the most part, its been said to be very stable. I'm investigating if the PT issues are exclusive to 64bit machines.

TRIGGER 1.6 is not up yet, but will be, and when it is.. I'll come back with instructions on how to sign in to our new USERS area where registered users can easily access downloads and updates
I've had weird totally bizarre mistriggering with Trigger. Random hits added and others missing. I restarted PT and it was fine after that. No idea why. Happened a couple times.
Would not use SPL Drumxchanger, tried it and to me it was terrible. Still using drumagog, but considering getting trigger in the future
i´m so sick of it. now it shows in nuendo but it instantly crashes the program. anybody wants to buy it? i´m located in germany.
Originally Posted by Slate Press
We are uploading the 1.6 update right now! This should really eliminate any problems users on Logic were having with the buffer issue. We're looking into any PT8 problems but we can't duplicate any of the bugs on our PT8 machines. PT is our most popular format for TRIGGER users and for the most part, its been said to be very stable. I'm investigating if the PT issues are exclusive to 64bit machines.

TRIGGER 1.6 is not up yet, but will be, and when it is.. I'll come back with instructions on how to sign in to our new USERS area where registered users can easily access downloads and updates

did the update come out yet :S? because im using logic and have these problems ! :(