Grand Morbid Funeral

My thoughts right now...

Overall a pretty fucking boring album to be honest.
There are two tracks that I think is good, Famine Of Gods Word and maybe Total Death Exhumed. Church Of Vastitas is interesting. The rest? Yawn. I thought it would get better with time but... I feel the opposite.
I have no problems with the vocals but I dont love it either, my overall complaint is the boring riffs and lack of diversity, it sounds like they ran out of ideas. I dont really think they did its probably just what they were going for this time, more straight forward to the face, I just dont like it.
Maybe no surprise since I love TFM, which I think pisses allover this album with tracks like Iesous, Treasonous, Devouring The Feeble, Wretched Human Mirror, Hades Rising, I mean there is not one bad track on that album.
I deleted Let the Stillborn, Mental Abortion and Church as I found them too boring, the album became more tolerable and now I like it more or less. The thing with the vocals: yeah I don't think they are bad but FUCK do I think it would've been a much better album with Mike.
^All the reviews that Bloodbath has linked to on their facebook page have been 4/5 and 9/10. There was ONE that was 4/10, other than that it's all praise and it's just not that good
Its a disappointing year for this Bloodbath fan when they finally put out a new album and they won't even be making my top 30 metal releases of the year.

EDIT : Actually, yeah. What a weird fucking year. Opeth and Bloodbath put out new releases, and neither made my top 30 for metal or non metal. And people say things never truly change.
I "love" how Old Nick is bashing every modern death metal band, either directly or being passive-agressive. For me it's like "hurr durr, i cant growl so ill bash those who can and can mix vocals with instrumentals properly".
I "love" how Old Nick is bashing every modern death metal band, either directly or being passive-agressive. For me it's like "hurr durr, i cant growl so ill bash those who can and can mix vocals with instrumentals properly".

Every "Grand Morbid Funeral" interview I've read with any Bloodbath member so far from Old Nick to Blakkheim to Renkse has all been about how fucking true they are and how all other bands are posers and not "real" death metal for not having the real magic of death metal or whatever.
It feels really lame considering how this is just a side project for these guys and the fact that they only play festivals. A Swedish death metal band that from the looks of it will play their only ever gig in Sweden on Sweden Rock Festival....where the fuck is the "magic of death metal" in that?!?
Every "Grand Morbid Funeral" interview I've read with any Bloodbath member so far from Old Nick to Blakkheim to Renkse has all been about how fucking true they are and how all other bands are posers and not "real" death metal for not having the real magic of death metal or whatever.
It feels really lame considering how this is just a side project for these guys and the fact that they only play festivals. A Swedish death metal band that from the looks of it will play their only ever gig in Sweden on Sweden Rock Festival....where the fuck is the "magic of death metal" in that?!?

Fucking spot on!