graspop 2008

Get as drunk as possible when they come up or hope that something will happen to them like for Wacken.
i suggest a bomb :lol:

i hope evergrey comes

in the weekend

and i also hope multiple bandmembers from BFMV die (and also from Korn)
I think the vocalist or something like had surgery or something health related. Oh well. I'm probably thinking of another band though, not sure.

He lost his voice or something.. at least they told us that, i think they just didnt want to come because the wacken forums got filled with comments like "IF BMFV COMES IM NOT COMING" and "WERE GONNA BOO THEM OFF STAGE!!1" and stuff :lol:
Yay! Lets throw belgians at them instead, belgians are more useless than tomatoes, and they hurt more :D

:Smug: hollanders are more useless, clearly...
except for names that end with -ith, or -id :p

if we throw frank just before bfmv 'll play their set, they're sure to rape him, filling up their precious playing-time, and while doing so pleasing their gay fans... themselves... us... and maybe even knarf :)Saint:)

take one for the team, knarf :heh: :kickass: