GRASPOP MM '06: THE FIRST CONFIRMED BANDS! Guns'n Roses,Satyricon,In Flames etc.

I would go to see Axel Rose his screwed-up face after all the surgeries, and laugh... but then again, it would ruin my birthday. So Im sticking with the 23rd. Woooooooot for Evergrey!
Excess said:
I feel sorry for you :cry:
Have a banana as comfort and it wont feel so bad :grin:
No, I'm bored of bananas, I don't get why you get so picky over them :lol:
[generic clichéd insult towards scandinavians]At least I can buy a beer for 20 times less money than you[/generic clichéd insult towards scandinavians] :D
Tut Ankh Amon said:
....................guns n roses?
More like Axl and n00bz. What's up with Bullet For My Valentine and Trivium being everywhere? Death to whiny metalcore! You shall all die...

Good festival, I would definitely go if it wasn't 683649832659043275093274219643780921643093274-0324 km from here.
BloodyScalpel said:
No, I'm bored of bananas, I don't get why you get so picky over them :lol:
[generic clichéd insult towards scandinavians]At least I can buy a beer for 20 times less money than you[/generic clichéd insult towards scandinavians] :D

Got me:erk:

But I have lots of kickass metalfestivals nearby to go to and that is 93893258295395683 times better :p + they have cheap beer too (in the fests down in Europe.)
damn to bad i gona miss it :cry:
i like the line up specially white snake will be there
(fuck you if you dont i liek them!)
sucha shame i live so much far away from civilization :waah: