Greasy Hands

Where is the Opeth content of this?

For warming the hands, I recommend hot water, rubbing them together, or just playing till they warm up, depending on the situation.
Picking: the strings won't suffer if you use the right picking techniques (not too harsh, the correct technique for almost every kind of playing, even death metal, is actually quite subtle).
I myself prefer picks from 0,7 to 1,0 mm... but that's a matter of taste.
Don't EVER use Fender picks, they suck enormous ass! I recommend Dunlop picks.

I had no problems playing with long hair, except when it got between the strings... :)
and you can always wear a ponytail.

Ignore me if you will.
oh yeah, and to e...-1:
by "clean" i'm pretty sure he means "without overdrive".
and palm muting means that you cover the strings a bit with your palm just by the bridge, thus creating a "chunky" sound... (for example, listen to Master's Apprentices' 3rd thru 6th note from the start)

correct me if necessary.
dorian gray said:
JoeVice: ahh, someone else posting. that IS strange you like it greasy. man, i cant imagine lotioning up even 6 hours before even picking a guitar up. blech.

i don't like bad lotion grease....i just like the neck to be nice and slick. not my picking hand way.
"Yeah it happened one day, way back in the sticks, he picked up his guitar but he had no pick, so with just a thumb and two fingers, he made up a lick.. and fingerpickers took over the world.. So thats how it happened, that wonderful day, with just a thumb and two fingers he started to play..."
clean = no overdrive or effects
palm mute = chunka chunka
fingerpicking = sucks
(just kidding)
Opeth\m/\m/ said:
Talk about Off-Topic Threads, Moonlapse You might should throw this one out.
i dont think this thread was off topic. i think i mentioned i was playing an opeth song in there somewhere. thanks for your wonderful input though!
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
a plectrum is a fish, yes you play your guitar with it.
awesome! thanks for the great information there pal! this board is a fucking joke.