GREAT interviews Deron!

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Hi Deron,

I just wanted to quickly say that I really enjoyed your interviews printed in the PP V program. They were funny as hell, spontaneous, and off the beaten path. I wish I had your quick wit and sense of humor!
Thanks man! I was nervous about quite a few of the interviews this year but I had a darn tootin' time doing them as it turned out. Tobias was friggin hilarious man, I may post the audio to that one one day. Daniel really intimidated me before I talked to him but once on the phone he was quite down to earth! I still feel bad about not bringing up my "Bush and Cheney for 04!" question just to get him fired up! Andy from Brainstorm was another fav as he is WAY down to earth and just an all around great guy.

Anyways, glad you enjoyed them!