Great Metal Weeekend in Tampa(Nov 11,12),anyone going?

I don't know what South Carolina has to do with Florida. I think you're confusing our topic.
Empress said:
I don't know what South Carolina has to do with Florida. I think you're confusing our topic.
Cardinal Sin is right. They're at the HOB in S. Carolina the 9th. The date that was at Boomerz, on the 12th, was originally slated for the HOB in Orlando, but got moved to Bommerz. Now I am not sure what is going on.
Then please explain? I don't understand. All these websites have different dates and different venues and cities.
Empress said:
Then please explain? I don't understand. All these websites have different dates and different venues and cities.
I'm not sure if anyone knows what's happening right now. It is a complete clusterfuck. I wish someone associated with one of the bands, Opeth/Nevermore, would post something on their site, or boards, to clear up the confusion. I really hope there is a show somewhere in central Fl. on the 12th, because I'm definitely going to Kamelot at Boomerz, on the 11th, and won't be able to make the Ft. Lauderdale Opeth/Nevermore show.
I agree 100%. This is a mess. I won't be able to make it down to Ft. Lauderdale either during the week. WTF is going on!!!:yell:
Okay, Roadrunner Records doesn't list a 11/12 date. Pollstar lists the State Theater on 11/12.
There is however this information on their booking agency. I suggest someone here respond that they will contact their agent (and probably cc the assistant as they may be more likely to respond) and see if they can get any info. I'm not even from Florida so I'll let someone who would like to go to this show ask about it. Seems the only way you'll get a final answer as hopefully the booking agency would know wtf is going on.
Someone on the Opeth boards spoke to Tim Rorror, the booking agent for Opeth in North America. The show is going to be at the State Theatre in St. Petersburg on the 12th. Let's hope this is true. Still no change on Ticketmaster, still says cancelled???

I would have rather seen this show at the Boiler Room, but I'm glad it's anywhere at this point.
Correct. It's finally confirmed. I contacted the booking management at continental-concerts and they have finally replied this morning and said the correct and confirmed dates are on their website, and here is the link:


Yay!! We didn't get screwed out of seeing Opeth/Nevermore. :D :D :D
Really good news. So two, back to back nights of good music is ON!

And just in case anyone hadn't heard yet, Jon Oliva will be playing at Bourbon Street Nightclub in Dec.

Date: Saturday,December 17th.
Place: Bourbon Street Nightclub, US 19 North, New Port Richey, FL.
Tickets: $12.00 in advance $15.00 day of show!
The Opeth show is finally on Ticketmaster. Not for sale yet, but it's listed. Looks like there is another band playing the same day at the State Theatre but it starts at 4pm. Kind of strange? TM says the doors open at 9pm for the Opeth concert. I guess it's going to be a late one that night. Can't wait!:headbang:
Empress said:
Correct. It's finally confirmed. I contacted the booking management at continental-concerts and they have finally replied this morning and said the correct and confirmed dates are on their website, and here is the link:


Yay!! We didn't get screwed out of seeing Opeth/Nevermore. :D :D :D
you get a room out here yet?
Nope, no room yet. What about you?? I still have to find atleast 5 people to go with me, ever since this hurricane people have been having more trouble deciding if they can afford this. I know one guy who can get me a discount, so I hope that goes well and I find some partners to head out there with. When I figure it all out I'll post. This is a week before my birthday I MUST GO =) Plus I already have my ticket to Kamelot and told Khan (at progpower) I was gonna see him there!
Empress said:
Nope, no room yet. What about you?? I still have to find atleast 5 people to go with me, ever since this hurricane people have been having more trouble deciding if they can afford this. I know one guy who can get me a discount, so I hope that goes well and I find some partners to head out there with. When I figure it all out I'll post. This is a week before my birthday I MUST GO =) Plus I already have my ticket to Kamelot and told Khan (at progpower) I was gonna see him there!
I live here(Tampa)
Why don't I remember seeing you at ProgPower?
I don't know!! So many people in Progpower hard to remember faces, this was my first one, though. I was in the front at the pre party, day 1 spent too much time in the merch room and day 2 was on the front rails for therion and stratovarius and was in the pit area for almost all the other bands. I will see you next month though!!! So many great shows!!

Sonata Arctica is playing February 19th @ Culture Room in Lauderdale. :D
Empress said:
I don't know!! So many people in Progpower hard to remember faces, this was my first one, though. I was in the front at the pre party, day 1 spent too much time in the merch room and day 2 was on the front rails for therion and stratovarius and was in the pit area for almost all the other bands. I will see you next month though!!! So many great shows!!

Sonata Arctica is playing February 19th @ Culture Room in Lauderdale. :D
LOL,people claim that there are 5 of me(I'm everywhere)
Pre party mostly hung out in the VIP room(Enjoyed Outworld much better there,sound sucked in the main room)
I was the guy with long light brown/sunstreaked hair,kinda muscular(there is a pic in the ProgPower pic thread(red 7 string)
Mainly hung out either in my seats,or by the front bar(Maria's bar)
I think I would have remembered you

BTW,Is that Sonata Arctica show on a Sat(the only way I'll be able to make it)
Okay I got my info!!!!

I have 2 studio rooms, 2 beds and a sofa couch for both Friday and Saturday nights. We're trying to fill up these rooms with South Floridian friends of ours, and we got a cheap price because our friend works there. 45 a night! Woo Hoo! I'll be located here.

See you guys in a 9 days!!!! :)