Great music, sh*tty band name

Band names that switch out perfectly good "c"s for "k"s usually come out looking cheesy. And I say this as a Kamelot fangirl. :)

Raunchy's sort of odd, too, but I haven't heard much of them. And Manimal, auugh!

I don't understand why so many people hate this band's name. Perception of fairies differs in different cultures. Seems like especially in France, fairies are regarded way differently than how they are regarded here. For example, Neige from Alcest has described the inspiration of his music as having come from a fairyland. Here, we immediately associate it with femininity, but I think it's ignorant to say it's a shitty name just because of cultural boundary. If it was a language barrier issue (like the band Enemyisus), then it's a different story.

I think Fairyland is a horribly cheesy name, but I thought this had an interesting point and never thought to look at it from that angle. There was nothing particularly offensive/defensive about this post vs. your contributions to other threads, so the dogpiling is really confusing me. :confused:
The next person that utters a juvenile insult (including my own webmaster) gets a temporary vacation. You guys are better than that.

Not even going to bother responding to Claus' statements.
He pisses and moans continuously about everything he is just as, if not more, guilty of himself.

In reference to my statement, give me a break.
We all take friendly pot shots at bands someone likes that we don't.
All I said was, "No one sent me that memo"
I didn't go into "Oh they are Hot Topic, NOT KVLT blasphemous black metal"
I'm a big fan of all three of these bands:

1. Edguy...this one has already been answerd
2. Tad Morose...what the hell is a Tad Morose?
3. just doesn't fit a "metal" band imo.

All three of those names leave me scratching my head!

I can think of many many terrible band names, my shelves are full of them. But I well say a funny one I discovered this year is a pretty cool Polish thrash band called Razorwyre. They changed their name from their original moniker Gaywyre. And as if that name would not be difficult enough to live down the band's recent EP is titled 'Coming Out'. I can help but to think that these decisions were not well thought out, or maybe it is inside jokes. Still a pretty good band.
A couple of other good ones are Satan's Almighty Penis and Dumpy's Rusty Nuts. Oh and Winger, serious Kip and you wonder why Winger became such a joke.
2. Tad Morose...what the hell is a Tad Morose?


IIRC - and Urban can correct me on this - I believe they got the name from a Schenker(?) interview saying something about something be a tad morose. That was a while ago when someone from the band told me the story and I could be way off.
hide with Spread Beaver
Bump of Chicken
Red Bacteria Vacuum
Super Junior
Soft Ballet
Sheep on Drugs
Rackets & Drapes
Maximum the Hormone
KinKi Kids

These are all bands I can (not so) proudly say I have in my library. They're not all metal bands, but they have their redeeming qualities that make up for the horrible names. Some just have to work harder than others :P
AC has already been subtly mentioned in here...god what an awful band name...and the 1st thing that came to mind when I saw this thread.

Not really metal...but I always thought Cheap Trick was just a horribly stupid name for a band...
I'm a big fan of all three of these bands:

1. Edguy...this one has already been answerd
2. Tad Morose...what the hell is a Tad Morose?
3. just doesn't fit a "metal" band imo.

All three of those names leave me scratching my head!

I like the Brainstorm name, but the other two are stupid. I never cared for the Tad part ... sounds a "little" silly to me.

As is typical of your posts, you can't seem to distinguish your opinion from fact. The OP asked forum members, what band names they thought were "shitty". There are no right or wrong answers to such a query. For instance, you offered up Cradle of Filth as shitty band name. I always thought that was a cool name for a Metal band.

As a side note, I find it amusing that you would reference the opinions of Neige to support your argument. Seriously... on what planet does anyone care what Neige thinks? I'm fully expecting your rebuttal to contain direct quotes from Gaahl and Shagrath.

Well for one thing, considering that this is a musical discussion I thought it would make sense. For another, the fact that Fairyland is a French band (or at least the main guy from Fairyland is French), is also why I used Neige (a Frenchman). Figured you could put 2 and 2 together.

Second of all, I can full-well distinguish opinion from fact. Actually if anything, it's you that fails to make that distinction. Forum search where I said you're not entitled/don't have the right to an opinion. Just like you have the right to it, I have the right to express mine, which is that I've seen alot people say Fairyland is a bad name but I don't think so at all. And I think saying it because you think fairies are girly is like saying I don't like sushi because it's not American. So are you asserting that I cannot think that way just because YOU think Fairyland is a shitty name? Hmm.

And it's cool you think CoF is a cool name. Why would I ever try to take that away from you? When have I ever tried to?
Eh, not really hardcore, more like extreme crust, like GISM, LIP CREAM, etc.

If we extend this thread to punk and hardcore bands,we could REALLY have a good time!!!! (Though only a couple of us would find it entertaining)

All of those crust bands originate from hardcore. And yes, I agree that we def. could haha. Alotta bands with silly names.