Great openings

One Winged Angel

Tägtgren Follower
Jan 11, 2004
So I definately love heavy guitar intros to songs, the ones that open up a song with just some heavy droning of a good riff. Please suggest some songs to me that have really heavy good riffs at the beginning of the song. To give an idea of what I'm looking for here are three prime examples of great openings to songs:

Cannibal Corpse - Compelled to Lacerate
Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord (Opium of the Masses)
Morbid Angel - Fall From Grace

The slower and more monotonous the better. Any response is greatly appreciated, thank you!

edit: as a general hint at what I'm looking for, look for riffs who's pace is more driven by the guitars than the drums, because I know there are a lot of great openings out there that are more pace-driven by the drums. I hope that helps.
Slayer's Hell Awaits has an awesome opening. Seasons in the Abyss is pretty cool too. And the opening on Revenge Rises/Drowned in Mournful Blood by The Chasm is also one of my favourites.
I like the opening riff to Darkness Descends by Dark Angel (always reminds me of Raining Blood as well, the two are quite similar), and I reckon this is driven by the guitar rather than drums like you said.

I also like how a lot of Suffocation's songs just blast in as well, although I suppose they're also highly percussive.
Some of my favourites:
The Chasm - Revenge Rises
The Chasm - Travelling Through Chaos
Slayer - Hell Awaits ("heavy")
Destroyer 666 - Genesis to Genocide ("heavy")
Destroyer 666 - Australian and Antichrist
At the Gates - Kingdom Gone ("heavy")
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Aeternus - Sworn Revenge
Graveland - Blood of Christians on my Sword
Graveland - The Dark Battlefield
Summoning - Khazad-Dum
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Amorphis - The Pilgrimage
Necrophobic - Before the Dawn ("heavy")
Arghoslent - Hereditary Taint
Eucharist - Greeting Immortality
Fleshcrawl - Infected Subconscious ("heavy")
Riot - Fight Or Fall - Quick cadence, opening up to some fast chords and double-bass fury, all leading into the 6 million tons of awesome which is the main riff of the song.

Manilla Road - Return Of The Old Ones - This one jumps right into it, and it starts out with some soft acoustics and a continuing fast drum roll in the background. The acoustics give the song a relaxing feel, while the odd, gentle drum roll in the back makes it completely mesmerizing. Then, in comes the nasal, insane croon of Mark Shelton, making the song complete.

Coroner - Devine Step (Conspectu Mortis) - This one starts of with sampled sounds from a medical drama of some sort, and the atmosphere it builds totally sets the mood for the technical riff-fest mindfuck to come...
Darkane - Rusted Angel: The title track of this awesome melo-death album. Starts out with some epic classical instrumentation, then breaks into epic guitar harmonies with several guitars......then breaks into a really, really catchy thrashy guitar riff.
Cathedral-Phantasmagoria,A Funeral Request,Enter The Worms,Pictures of Beauty and Innocence,Equilibrium.
Bloodbath-The Ascension
Acid Bath-Dr. Seuss Is Dead
The Gathering-Eleanor,Strange Machines
Wicked Innocence-A Level Higher
Gorguts-The Quest for Equilibrium, the opening riff/music does not kick in for about 1,2 minutes. Give it time
Black Sabbath-Black Sabbath
Morbid Angel-Where The Slime Lives
Opeth-Master's Apprentices

Look into(if you've not already) some eyehategod,kyuss, orange goblin,incantation,obituary,solitude aeturnus. They have some intro riffs right up your alley.

Check out Confessor
Confessor at Myspace
Death - Spiritual Healing

It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it kicks ass anyway.
I've always loved Emperor's "Al Svatr" (the oath) off ATTWAD. Perfect, perfect intro song. The transition from the hopeful tone of the opening riff to the downright scary riffs mid-way through the song and finally the transition to Ye Entrancipium (sp?)... great, great intro.

Oh and Lengsel's Solace album also has a great 1 minute intro track that builds the tension perfectly before the ripping guitar comes in on the first "real song".