beginner metal songs for new guitarist?

I started learning black metal at first myself. Dark Funeral-An Apprentice of Satan was the first song I learned and it really imrpoved my tremoloing, also Deathcrush by Mayhem would be good too. Darkthrone-Transilvanian Hunger would be the first song to learn. :)
just recently started playing guitar, i can do the intro riffs to the following songs...
iron man, smoke on the water, and hells bells...
i know these are probably mad easy for most of you experienced players but they took me a while to actually play accurately and at the same pace

could someone recommend me some easy metal songs to practice with?

System of a down - Chop suey
Start with some of the older slower metal (sabbath) also try some hatebreed, their stuff is pretty basic. also some slower bathory songs shouldn't be too hard

Save the in flames, dark tranquility, dimmu and storm warrior for later.
Slayer - Angel of Death
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Testament - Souls of Black
Kreator - People of the Lie
Sepultura - Inner Self

I doubt Angel of Death would work for a beginner. The fast tremelo picking and the mid-section are a bit above beginner.
alright this gives me a pretty good list so start with, thanks ALOT for the input guys
I know you want to replicate your favorite bands because you're all happy but you can't play and it does not just work like that. fuck around for awile not trying to have a sound. You should be practicing right now not fucking around with tabs.