Great players, sh&tty attitudes.


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
Has anyone here ever had to deal with great guitarist/ drummers but their attitudes are shitty as fuck? Here's my little rant for today. I used to be in a band 20+ years ago and we had a little success opening for Cannibal, Gorguts and other bands around that time. one of our guitarist had the baddest sound and was a great rhythm player...he even got complimented by some of the big players in bands I mentioned....and at the time he was only 16. His problem was his attitude was piss poor and he was hard to get along with. 20 odd something years later he and I decided hey lets record something just for old time sake, nothing serious. and guess what...aint shit changed about the guy. great player...shitty attitude.
Do you mean he lacks enthusiasm? Most of the best Ive met were all too aware that pursuit of music as a career is a bad move for your future bank account and had more of a "we can only dream" sort of attitude.

Or is he just a weird dude? Lots of great artists are completely messed up in the head
Do you mean he lacks enthusiasm? Most of the best Ive met were all too aware that pursuit of music as a career is a bad move for your future bank account and had more of a "we can only dream" sort of attitude.

Or is he just a weird dude? Lots of great artists are completely messed up in the head
Alot has happened since that first post, but most important he and I are no longer friends. I found out the reason for his attitude. He's on heroin and he's very angry about something.
Heroin is no joke. My brother was bad with it. Years of fucked up shit. Stealing from my parents, probably friends too. So many lies. Everything was a lie and a scham to get himself $ for dope. He had an HIV scare which ended up being an incorrect test result (as far as I know), had his face crushed in by being drug down the road by a car he tried to rob, had to get titanium plates put in his face, had countless of his friends die from heroin, but still continued to do it. Now he's in a halfway house and is, as far as I or my parents know, on methadone. 29 years old and had his entire life paid for him by his daddy because he "couldn't work". It's just insane.

I've never seen a family get torn apart so quickly. Don't do heroin.