

Hengität. Et hengitä enää
Jul 31, 2001
Whiterapids, Finland
So. I'm going to Greece tomorrow 0400 and I just wanted to tell you that don't write here much when I'm gone so I don't have to use two days reading what's new...
...and If/when the plane crashes or I'll get killed by a giant scorpion or a spider. I would like Marko to have all my Hair/Gay -metal records, Lassi to have my guitar and amp and the rest of you will have permission to loot anything you find in my apartment.
Oh and I hope the next record Farmakon makes will be dedicated to my memory. :D
I'll be seeing you. BU! ;)
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Well. Have a good and relaxing trip, but don't forget to come back.
Still the summer in here is just something overordinary,
despite of all bugs and 2-day-rainshowers...
Booze and pihakeinu... in the nightlight...
*crosses fingers for the amp* ;)

No, seriously, like I already said: Have fun! :headbang:
Oooh! You guys are so sweet. :oops:

Dot: You can have my computer (where the porn is ;) )

At ease Rahvin! Penchant is yours.

Downfall: I'll try... Fun without Ouzo is faking. :D

Lolita: I prefer not to die... but sometime(s) I just got to

Shade: What I heard about the mosquitos and checked the weather in Greece for the next week. It'll be like home. :lol:

Like this... Friday sunny, Sat Possible T-Storms, Sunday T-Storms,
Monday T-Storms, Tue Possible T-Storms...etc

P.S. Hearse... We WILL have the party GODDAMNIT!!!!
nevershine said:
Like this... Friday sunny, Sat Possible T-Storms, Sunday T-Storms,
Monday T-Storms, Tue Possible T-Storms...etc
:lol: Makes me wonder why bother leaving at all... :lol:

And: what? did someone mention something about NOT drinkin ouzo? that person must be crazy! ;)
I'm tired. Not able to say anything. Been up almost 48 hours staight without any sleep. Funny thoughts running through my head ("all the things she said, all the things she said, running through my head..."). Better to have a break, I think.

I'll be back (*shakes fist* just a little, looking very powerless and feeble).
Horza said:
I'm tired. Not able to say anything. Been up almost 48 hours staight without any sleep. Funny thoughts running through my head ("all the things she said, all the things she said, running through my head..."). Better to have a break, I think.
err... wait. first you meet a "sensible", "bald", "bisexual", "conservative", "patriotic" and "christian" woman who likes t.a.t.u., then you say you're tired as hell because you haven't slept for 2 days... am i missing something? :err: wait... you're not gay at all!! you lied to me!! :cry:
all that bragging about your presumed homosexuality and making fun of my sufferings while in fact you just wanted to get rid of me :cry: *calls her lawyer*
Rei Toei said:
err... wait. first you meet a "sensible", "bald", "bisexual", "conservative", "patriotic" and "christian" woman who likes t.a.t.u., then you say you're tired as hell because you haven't slept for 2 days... am i missing something? :err: wait... you're not gay at all!! you lied to me!! :cry:
all that bragging about your presumed homosexuality and making fun of my sufferings while in fact you just wanted to get rid of me !:cry: *calls her lawyer*

a sensible, bald, bisexual, conservative, patriotic, christian woman? :eek: if he wasn't gay before he sure must be now.

Rei Toei said:
err... wait. first you meet a "sensible", "bald", "bisexual", "conservative", "patriotic" and "christian" woman who likes t.a.t.u., then you say you're tired as hell because you haven't slept for 2 days... am i missing something?

Hmm. I blame the sleep deprivation. It was a bald, bisexual woman who liked t.a.t.u. that I met. Currently I'm searching a conservative, patriotic, christian woman who likes t.a.t.u. and would like to give birth to my children. You wouldn't happen to be one by any chance? If not, are you at least rich? If so, let's get married.

:err: wait... you're not gay at all!! you lied to me!! :cry:
all that bragging about your presumed homosexuality and making fun of my sufferings while in fact you just wanted to get rid of me :cry: *calls her lawyer*

The reports of my blatant homosexuality have been greatly exaggerated. I just have this thing for rocker boys and stalking. You may have heard of it.

And seriously, how bad is my english? :erk:
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*ahem* unfortunately it seems i don't qualify to become your future wife :cry: i'm very very sorry about that *sniff* really *sob* :rolleyes: :p
as for your english, it's not bad at all :)
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