I just want to say thanx totally to all the guys from ZH and Kirk for hanging out and chatting on Satruday night @ the Fairfield. It was a huge thrill and I am getting more and more into Zh's music. I picked up the s/t, Jasun's solo EP, and Death machine at PPUSA. I played Stratagem last Tuesday filling on-the-air on and Voice of Reason on friday night on KFAI Radio. A guy called in around 12;45am asking who it was so I think I may have converted another ZH fan from my show here in Minneapolis
. The interview/chat came out well. and ids..man Jasun and Troy...Mike are great guys to chat with. I am love the S/T album..more than i thought I would..I can't wait to hear the next release..esp after seeing and hearing it in Atl. Man great performance again there too. ..I got a couple of photos if anyone cares to see all my PPUSA pics are here..although the ZH pics are very distant so it is not easy to tell..my Pain of Salvation pics came out better..I wish i would have tried to get more pics with ZH but I was just so into the music I kinda forgot
. Anyway..thanx again I'll have to start checking out this msg more often now that I found it. esp since Zh is 1 of my new favorite bands
Kyle in Minnesota

Kyle in Minnesota