Greetings for a Glorious New Year

I've lost major interest in metal, perhaps it has come to an end for me, or perhaps it's just a phase. I had metal withdrawal back in '96-97 as well. Either way my 2007 will probably be very quiet when it comes to metal as I'm not planning on going to any metal festivals, shows or purchasing CD's.

I will though go to Ultramusic Festival in Miami ;) to check out The Cure and othe top DJ's in the world ;). Other than that I'll be doing a lot of camping as I did this last year and hopefully 2 week camping trip to Colorado and/or Montana.
I know that feeling, I've been like that for ages. I don't bother hunting down new music, I rarely go to shows. I almost didn't go to the AA show... but I am glad I did. That was one of the most impressive performances I've seen, well, probably Slayer on the Divine Intervention tour. Hell, I only heard AA because my wife stumbled across their site.

I'm in a fucking rambling mood this morning.
happy new year to all of you :)

i'm from germany and just saw on tv how australia, japan and hong kong made their step into 2007. we have to wait about another 5 hours here :)

anyways, what are your resolutions for 2007? ... just curious ...
Yeah, that's my resolution (for the 10th year in a row, at least). We'll see if I actually manage it this time. I'd like to get the lung power back, hard to roar out imprecations when you start choking >_<
My only resolution is to finish grad school this year, I'm halfway through and my interest is waning, don't have much else to look forward to, aside from a trip to Ireland and England for two weeks in March with a couple buddies, that should be really cool. An AA headlining tour would be nice as well...
Happy New Year to everyone here! (Hehe, it makes a rhyme :))
The 2007th year came half an hour ago... and I'm sitting in front of my computer...:loco:

I hope all your wishes will come true :) The best of luck to all the members here :)
happy new year... i finished the last few hrs of 2006 with a clash with a fukin party so to defend my horde... began the new on with a half pint of Jegermaister.... no no don't worry... i didn't drink it all.... i'm ashamed to say i trough it away.... all because there's a law saying no glass bottles can percolate in the streets near nightclubs... so the barman had to divide it into 3 glasses... but man it is so fukin come AA drink such spirit?...i ll try it next time...btw... i read of a metalhead who is feeling no morethe metal-heart, right?.... don't give up mate.... keep on trying... search for new metal bands... so as to remain always up-to-date... cheers and may 2007 be a good metal-inspirating year
New years was great for me. i was at a house party we had firecracker duels with the neighbors on the street. had a bash on the drums and listened to metal. I actually didnt drink a drop of booze i was suposed to work at 3am but didnt end up turning up. got home around 8am, so it was a fairly early night considering. One of the brawls we had these two guys slammed into a box of empty beer bottles, that could have gone rather nasty.

Resolution to play consistant rugby, go to more metal gigs, fail less classes
New years was ok... the usual here.. 313 vehicles were burnt and 258 people were arrested. but the authorities say it was a "calm" new years... cause thats less then last year... new years always reminds me of how glad i am of the situation down here.

anyway my resolution is to work out a little cause i quit all sports since i'm in university.. i should get back to it. i also gotta pass my university year, and "get" this girl in my class :p

by the way, i'm also loosing my "metalness". i'm not as eager to discover new bands as i used to be. i'm still metal but i lost the motivation for it all. probably just a phase as well.
Happy New Year!
Yes, Celtic, it's a phase. It'll be over when the next AA album is released. LOL.
I think we all go through slumps like that, though.
I forgot to make a resolution. Don't really know what to promise myself...Oh, I know!! My resolution will be to make my posts on the AA forum shorter! It'll last appx 30 mins, as most resolutions do. But I'll try.
I didn't say I was going to shave it, just trim it. I don't like to shave, and haven't shaved the goatee area in, uhh, 12 years or so. The last time I totally shaved, I didn't recognize myself.

Hehe, that reminded me off the first time I saw my dad totally clean shaven. I was like 6 or 7, and I ran away because I thought he was a stranger. :) Looking like a wild man of the mountains is a family tradition ;)
New years was ok... the usual here.. 313 vehicles were burnt and 258 people were arrested. but the authorities say it was a "calm" new years... cause thats less then last year... new years always reminds me of how glad i am of the situation down here.

anyway my resolution is to work out a little cause i quit all sports since i'm in university.. i should get back to it. i also gotta pass my university year, and "get" this girl in my class :p

by the way, i'm also loosing my "metalness". i'm not as eager to discover new bands as i used to be. i'm still metal but i lost the motivation for it all. probably just a phase as well.

What did you decide on studying in university anyhow? You never said.

@Bates - Oh good. Phew. Beards are good. Unless you're like my husband, who has to wear a respirator for work sometimes. Then beards are not so great.
What did you decide on studying in university anyhow? You never said.

oh yeah sorry.
Well i finally did start up "art history and archeology" :)
for archeology, this semester i'm studying pre-christian roman archeology and prehistory. i get kick ass grades :D but i took Latin as an option and i suck at that.. shouldn't have taken it.. that reminds me i should start studying for my exams now. next semester i'll do protohistory and medieval archeology.
its all really interesting and all, i'm glad i took it and thanks for talking to me about it. :saint: