Greetings for a Glorious New Year

Lucky bugger, I wanted to go to university :(

Not entirely sure what I'd study, most of my interests aren't generally college subjects (That I know of), but history is always a good one.
OK, well, if you need help, you know where I'm at. I took Latin, too. Dunno how much I still remember, but for what it's worth, I did have good grades... Our archaeo classes covered most of the world, but obviously focus on Scandinavia, so I'll do my best if you need anything.
yeah thanks :)
i looked at the classes i'll do for the next 2 years before i get my diploma and i noticed my classes mainly focus on europe and also a little on the rest of the world (islam, precolumbian america, ancient middle east, asia, africa...).
But the main focus is definately europe with a huger interest on ancient rome, ancient greece and middle ages. what busts my nuts is that we do absolutely nothing about germanic or norse archeology directly although we have normandy in france which was viking-land, and the vikings pillaged and occupied practically the whole country.. we also have the franks and shit here... perhaps it will be briefly talked about for my upcoming medieval archeology classes... but i wished i had a full class only about the germanic and norse tribes and their ways of life.