
Sep 27, 2008
South Yorkshire, UK

I'm a 40 year old metal-head from the UK and a big Novembers Doom fan. I stumbled across this forum and I think it's great that the actual band members participate and interact with the fans in this way. I came to ND by way of The Novella Reservoir which I loved (Rain still blows me away every time I hear it), then I bought The Pale Haunt Departure and To Welcome The Fade. Why ND aren't bigger (yet) I'll never know. Maybe it's my fault - I always like the underrated bands that not many people have heard of. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Thanks for the journey so far ND! :notworthy

A UK tour would be nice (hint, hint!).

Greetings fellow "quadra-genarian"! You certainly won't get an argument from us that ND should be more well known and appreciated than they are (and "Rain" still rocks my ass off as well! :rock:). Stick around for a while, the folks here are all really cool!!!
Thanks for the welcome guys! :rock: I wanted to get across to Europe for some of the summer festivals but work and life commitments ruled this out. :cry:

So ND, you have at least 3 people wanting you to come to the UK. Maybe a small intimate gig in my front room? Hell, I'll even rent out a local pub for you! How's that for an offer? :lol: