Rank the ND full-lengths

You know, for me to list our own CDs is hard. Each disc has a different and special meaning for me, each with it's own memories attatched. Musically... I see everything up through The Knowing as phase one of this band, To Welcome the Fade was a transition CD, and we were reborn with Pale Haunt and Novella. The Pale Haunt Departure, and The Novella Reservoir is where I always wanted this band to be, and for me, the new birth of ND is my favorite.
Hmm, difficult, but I'll give it a shot:

1.) To Welcome the Fade
2.) The Knowing
3.) Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers
4.) Amid It's Hallowed Mirth (also my first ND album)

Funny, it's in anti-chronological order of release. :)

I'm not sure where to fit The Pale Haunt Departure in yet as I haven't listened extensively enough to it yet. Either between 2 and 3, or on the same spot as 3. It's a good album, but still nothing can thow To Welcome... and The Knowing from my places 1 and 2. :notworthy
Sadly, The Pale Haunt Departure is the only one I own so far (however it's incredibly awesome, in my opinion by far one of the best and most underrated albums of 2005), cause I'm just a a year and a half short of being able to buy stuff off the internet myself, so I have to go bug my parents about it anytime I need to order a CD. But To Welcome the Fade will hopefully be here soon :D (although we got an email from Vito saying the 2-disc version was sold out and he still had some 1-discs left, but that was a couple weeks ago and I haven't heard anything since then, I hope that one isn't sold out too)
Awesome, thanks a lot. I've heard Not the Strong and Dark Fields For Brilliance off the site, and I can't wait to have the entire album. And I also plan on getting The Knowing off Amazon as soon as I can.

And I'm assuming there will most likely be an option to preorder The Novella Reservoir on the site once the release date has been set and all that, right? Because none of the stores here carry any ND albums and I wanna get TNR as soon as I can after it comes out.
Just FYI for people....

Aside from the easiest and most logical option (in my opinion) of ordering our cds from The End Records, Amazon, or from us directly...you can always ask your local cd shops if it's possible for them to order our cds. If they say it's impossible, odds are most time they're lying LOL

I know for a fact that if you go to Borders or Best Buy, they have our cds in their computer systems and are able to at least try to order them. I'm sure this is the case with alot of other bigger stores as well. I've seen our cds in alot of different stores at one time or another, so they did carry them before. Alot of times the employees at these stores either are too inept, or just can't be bothered, to look shit up and order it for restock.

So as I said, ordering online is probably your safest and cheapest option, but if you really would rather picking it up at a store, then look into what I said. The End Records has really good distribution, the cds are out there.
1) To Welcome The Fade
2) The Pale Haunt Departure
3) The Knowing
4) Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers
5) Amid Its Hallowed Mirth

I started with TPHD, which was, I think, the first CD I bought that had growls, then went backward in time and bought the others one by one in anti-chronological order. I am lucky to be living near Montréal and a customer of the Freeson store, because I managed to purchase all albums there at very acceptable prices, when many were hard to find or even impossible to find on the net.

I guess the order pretty much describes what part of ND's music I prefer, and of course "Torn" is my favorite. I like the doom of the earlier albums, but in small doses only, my ears haven't gotten used to differentiating songs of the kind of AIHM, which kinda sounds like just one long track for me. I prefer the mix between calm and hard passages found on TWTF, The Knowing and TPHD (though that last one gave more place to the hard passages, which probably explains why it's #2 rather than #1).
Simon Vallée said:
1) To Welcome The Fade
2) The Pale Haunt Departure
3) The Knowing
4) Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers
5) Amid Its Hallowed Mirth

I started with TPHD, which was, I think, the first CD I bought that had growls, then went backward in time and bought the others one by one in anti-chronological order. I am lucky to be living near Montréal and a customer of the Freeson store, because I managed to purchase all albums there at very acceptable prices, when many were hard to find or even impossible to find on the net.

I guess the order pretty much describes what part of ND's music I prefer, and of course "Torn" is my favorite. I like the doom of the earlier albums, but in small doses only, my ears haven't gotten used to differentiating songs of the kind of AIHM, which kinda sounds like just one long track for me. I prefer the mix between calm and hard passages found on TWTF, The Knowing and TPHD (though that last one gave more place to the hard passages, which probably explains why it's #2 rather than #1).

Thanks for posting, and it being your first post here to boot!

Amid, I agree. It can get get monotonous to listen to. It was fine for it's time, but can't compete with our modern material.

"Torn?" Ugh. :lol:
1. Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone FLowers
2. The Knowing
3. To Welcome The Fade
4. The Pale Haunt Departure
5. Amid Its Hallowed Mirth

Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers was my first and still favorite ND album, and I find it nearly flawless. It is almost he musical epitome of beautiful yet sorrowful, with Agalloch - The Mantle and Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element taking the number one and two places in that category. Forget the near worthless "beauty and the beast" Gothic metal bands.
I am becoming a bigger fan of "Of Sculptured Ivy.." myself.
You are the first poster though to rank The Pale Haunt Departure so low as compared to the rest of the catalog.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I would be curious to know why you rank it so low.
It is really just personal preference, no real reason why. It isn't bad, none of the ND albums are bad by any means it just isn't my favorite either. I'd give it a solid 8.5/10 while I'd give "Of Sculptured Ivy..." a 9.5/10