

True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA
T-MAN was sent from the Milano boards to talk shit. You know that right?? He used to bash Anthrax fans all the time, and side with Billy on all kinds of shit. That other guy that you got banned for shit talking was from there too. Don't you see what's going on? They're trying to stir up shit. They are just trying to get everyone riled up man, i'm telling you. Milano posted a long ass thread talking shit and he locked it once he got fuckin owned it it.
I've done nothing but give respect since I've been here...:yow:

(I don't think that big eyed smileys are disrespectful) and have not tried or caused any shit since coming here!!! And I got news for you FAG BOY....I don't plan on making any trouble either.

I already explained my position on the Milano case that got your retarded ass banned from there and I'm not going to do it again....It's in the long ass off topic thread....go find it!!! And why are you crying to Greg about this???
I have no beef with him....And other than the smileys I don't think he has a problem with me. In fact you say I'm here to talk shit....Show me an example of ANY shit talk or fuckwit posts since I've been here...

GROW UP LOSER!!!!! Just because you were labeled a retard on the Milano doesn't mean I can't post here....To be honest up till now, everybodies been real cool.........SO GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!:yow:

Anthrax_Mosher said:
T-MAN was sent from the Milano boards to talk shit. You know that right?? He used to bash Anthrax fans all the time, and side with Billy on all kinds of shit. That other guy that you got banned for shit talking was from there too. Don't you see what's going on? They're trying to stir up shit. They are just trying to get everyone riled up man, i'm telling you. Milano posted a long ass thread talking shit and he locked it once he got fuckin owned it it.
Anthrax Mosher,
1.) This is a public forum
2.) Didn't you come into the Milano forum first crying :cry: like a little girl:cry: ? YOU got yourself banned from the forum not T Man
3.) T-Man has not said 1 thing bad to anyone here
4.) Why are you crying:cry: to Greg?
5.) Go fuck yourself....
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Anthrax Mosher,
1.) This is a public forum
2.) Didn't you come into the Milano forum first crying :cry: like a little girl:cry: ? YOU got yourself banned from the forum not T Man
3.) T-Man has not said 1 thing bad to anyone here
4.) Why are you crying:cry: to Greg?
5.) Go fuck yourself....

Straight and to the point as always!!!! Thanks for the backup bro!!
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Anthrax Mosher,
1.) This is a public forum
2.) Didn't you come into the Milano forum first crying
like a little girl
? YOU got yourself banned from the forum not T Man
3.) T-Man has not said 1 thing bad to anyone here
4.) Why are you crying
to Greg?
5.) Go fuck yourself....
:lol: :lol: :lol:

4)yeah no shit
I HATE Bob and Tom. They were Clear Channels answer to the "rude and distasteful" Regular Guys, Larry and Eric (whom they fired for indecency)from 96rock here in ATL.
GregadetH said:
I HATE Bob and Tom. They were Clear Channels answer to the "rude and distasteful" Regular Guys, Larry and Eric (whom they fired for indecency)from 96rock here in ATL.
Bob and Tom
Opie and Anthony
They all suck.
Nationally syndicated morning shows ain't got it. In C-Bus I listen to Wags and Elliot, great, great guys. Plus I get my local shit, school closings, traffic, sports, weather, shit I need.
I don't even tolerate Howard Stern anymore. He was a potential king back when he was on WWOR, but since he became an author and "movie star" he seems too big for his own good.