Growls - can they harm your throat?


Sep 19, 2004
As I mentioned in the 'Black metal singer' thread, I've recently started growling and shrieking alot with my band. But because Im a pussy Im scared that it may injure my throat or someshit, has anyone ever heard of a black/death metal singer having vocal problems after?
Don Corleone said:
yes growls can harm your throat. why not use a voice pedal of some sort? they come in VERY handy and they produce awesome results.

Yes but MR Corleone I wont look very metal using a voice pedal at gigs
It depends. It will damage your throat to differing degrees, depending on what sort of growl you're doing, and whether you're doing it right. I mean you can lose your voice from excessive clean singing, growling doesn't have to be any more or less damaging than that.

Just make sure you're being nice to your throat (lay off when it starts getting sore, drink honeyed tea, don't push too hard) and you should be fine.
sometimes,i am having this problem but as moonlapse said, you can not push too hard because it can cause serius damage after a while.So you can study your vocals(roaring,growling) and after you use to it you can easily do without any problems.
You have to growl from your stomach. Try to avoid using too much of your throat. The scream should come from below, it gives it alot more power and depth. Besides your scream lasts longer and after you've done it for a while you will get in better shape and the girls will love your sixpack. :p
The answer is obviously yes, as everyone else has said.

Like him or loath him (I guess I know which from most of you), but Dani Davey of CoF is a good example. From what I can tell, he does not have any problems anymore, but I know from some of the other guys that were in the band on the first album that the vocals on there were not as they were supposed to be. There were not supposed to be as many of the low vocals on there, but his voice could not sustain the high pitched ones in the studio in those sessions.
There have been many instances where people have ruined their voice [singing and speaking] due to growling. The thing about it, is this is an extreme vocal style, and with it comes the risk of extreme harm to your body.

Take it slow, and if the pain rises too much, STOP GROWLING until they heal
Don Corleone said:
you STILL have to growl with a pedal, you know. it just puts more intensity to it. oh whatever

my advice is: dont do it.

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it into consideration