Grunge - Where to go?

He asked for bands that aren't well-known.

no he asked for the best, and mentioned that well known doesn't always mean the best. If someone thinks well known bands are the best thats completely their opinion.
thse are good:
mother love bone (kinda glam)
sweetwater (not the 60's band)
my sisters machine
i mother earth
animal bag

kinda inbetween grunge and metal/hard rock:
faith no more
electric love hogs
kik tracee
ugly kid joe
love on ice
Green River. Hunt them down.
Malfunkshin. Hunt them down.
Mother Love Bone. Hunt them down.
Meat Puppets. Mudhoney. U-Men.
L7. Old Soundgarden, prior to Badmotorfinger.
Melvins. Just look up Sup Pop Records on Google and you'll find a great deal of grunge bands.

As for the best, Alice In Chains by a great deal.
Green River. Hunt them down.
Malfunkshin. Hunt them down.
Mother Love Bone. Hunt them down.
Meat Puppets. Mudhoney. U-Men.
L7. Old Soundgarden, prior to Badmotorfinger.
Melvins. Just look up Sup Pop Records on Google and you'll find a great deal of grunge bands.

As for the best, Alice In Chains by a great deal.

alice in chans is the best but the thing is they are just down tuned heavy blues based metal with major/minor harmony vocals. there was nothing really grunge about them which is why metalheads, grunge, and mainstream music listeners all liked them.
alice in chans is the best but the thing is they are just down tuned heavy blues based metal with major/minor harmony vocals. there was nothing really grunge about them which is why metalheads, grunge, and mainstream music listeners all liked them.

Well... down tuned heavy blues based metal is a long string of words that could be used to describe grunge itself.

- down tuned -- the cornerstone of grunge.
- heavy blues -- every grunge band is very deeply influenced by blues. Leadbelly, for example, is revered and covered by many of the big grunge bands.
- metal -- was one of the main styles of the grunge bands. They all were originally considered metal by the mainstream press.

Grunge was a mix of metal, punk, and arena rock. AIC may have been leaning heavily towards the metal side, but they're still a grunge band. That, to me, is really the thing about grunge. It isn't just one sound, it's a congregation of similarly influenced bands that each went their own way with it. It's subjective, of course. Some people would say that the mainstream successful albums like Nevermind and Ten aren't truely grunge at all, and that grunge was a specific sludgey, punkish, Sub Pop based sound from bands like the Melvins. But AIC's metal stylings probably connects to that sound even moreso than Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and all the rest (after Nirvana's first).
Well... down tuned heavy blues based metal is a long string of words that could be used to describe grunge itself.

- down tuned -- the cornerstone of grunge.
- heavy blues -- every grunge band is very deeply influenced by blues. Leadbelly, for example, is revered and covered by many of the big grunge bands.
- metal -- was one of the main styles of the grunge bands. They all were originally considered metal by the mainstream press.

Grunge was a mix of metal, punk, and arena rock. AIC may have been leaning heavily towards the metal side, but they're still a grunge band. That, to me, is really the thing about grunge. It isn't just one sound, it's a congregation of similarly influenced bands that each went their own way with it. It's subjective, of course. Some people would say that the mainstream successful albums like Nevermind and Ten aren't truely grunge at all, and that grunge was a specific sludgey, punkish, Sub Pop based sound from bands like the Melvins. But AIC's metal stylings probably connects to that sound even moreso than Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and all the rest (after Nirvana's first).

well AIC started out close to being a glam band