For the most part I enjoyed Chinatown (cool music to

). And Griffith Park... was that the bit with the werewolf? Shat my pants I did.
Let me clarify "shitfest". For a game that prided itself on allowing the player to choose their own path and approach each obstacle/quest/mission/whatever however they like (eg do I bash this guys skull in? do I drive him insane? do I use my leet persuasive skillz? do I be a stealthy ninja?). The last 1/4 or so of the game largely consisted of kill or be killed. And if you'd dedicated the majority of your XP to non fighting relating skills you were pretty much fucked.
Hehe, I just got done playing through the game again. I played as a Malkavian, just to add some novelty to the experience. Some of their dialogue options are hilarious.
You're right about the game being biased toward brute force by the end. Those social feats don't really do anything for you in the boss fights. Might've been cool if they had arranged some way for you to enlist help in your final battle, or maybe talk the Kuei-Jin into an attack on the prince's tower, or take a hostage via stealth, or something. Oh well. At any rate, I'm not sure you even
need any stats for the boss fights if you have enough flamethrower fuel.
There are at least 6 or 7 stats in the game that have no real value beyond being 'for fun'. I don't think the intimidation feat does anything that persuasion can't do, and stuff like seduction, investigation, and computers are just fluff to make the game more convenient.
To me, though, the most irritating thing about the game is the load times. My computer is just barely able to run the game, and even without running anything else in the background, the game will often take 2 to 4 minutes to load some of the bigger areas, which can be nauseating given how often you go between them. I'd play the game a lot more often if I didn't have to deal with that shit.
Despite all that, it's still one of my favorite games of all time. I don't think I've ever played a game with better storyline, dialogue, voice acting or character modeling. The level of artistic professionalism in the game is just staggering.