Guilty Confessions

Cows,etc.. are injected with hormones and who knows what to help them grow faster and produce milk at a more faster rate so chemicals are probably in your milk. You can say the same exact thing for foods.

These hormones do effect growth rate and things like that with growing children because as humans we consume them. It's probably more a factor for children in development stages. Aslong as something is cooked well most of things are probably killed I would think.

That's what I have heard anyways.

I personally don't want to live forever so i'm not going to not have cereal with milk in it or whatever because of chemicals in things. I try to drink juice but that's as far as i'm going with these things.

If we thought to much into these things people would start starving themselves out of being worried. I know a few people who thought about not eating meat because of a few bird flew incidents in europe or whatever. I think it's kinda ridiculous to an extent.
The Greys said:
Cows,etc.. are injected with hormones and who knows what to help them grow faster and produce milk at a more faster rate so chemicals are probably in your milk. You can say the same exact thing for foods.
Probably that's true in America, I think that shit is forbidden here in Sweden

Our cows get to walk around and eat grass and moo all day like cows should


Erik said:

milk is healthy guys i drink like a liter of the stuff daily

enjoy your osteoporeosis

Milk actually causes osteoperosis in old people.

Hah! I bet no one ever told you that.

So you, enjoy your osteoperosis. If you woud like to know how it causes it, ask, but I'm not going to start blabbering away about it.

To The Greys: Everyone has to pick and choose their own battles to fight in life. Which ones have you chosen?

edit": ^ Cows are also fed other cows.. making them not only carnivorous (which by nature they're not) but cannibals. Hence mad cow disease.
Not only are they injected with pesticides and hormones, but they are genitically modified to produce more and more milk. About 100 lbs a day. Their udders are so enlarged they drag on the ground, in their own filth and become infected frequently. The infection of course is present in the milk they put out, and is what you drink from the grocery store.

If I drank milk ever again, it would either be from my own cow that I treated well, or from a free range farm near by.

And it's not just bad for animals and for your health. It's incredibly inefficient. Cows eat about 10x the amount that humans do. We have millions of cows living in this country every year. You can't even imagine how much grain is wasted on feeding them, that could go to more imperative causes like feeding the hungry and being used for fuel, etc.

Any questions, comments, pleas for clemency?
I am sorry, I really intended originally not to blab away like this.
Susperia said:
Milk actually causes osteoperosis in old people.

Hah! I bet no one ever told you that.

So you, enjoy your osteoperosis. If you woud like to know how it causes it, ask, but I'm not going to start blabbering away about it.

To The Greys: Everyone has to pick and choose their own battles to fight in life. Which ones have you chosen?

What battles have you choosen that you fight in life ?. you first
Um, I thought everyone pretty much new the main ones.

A) Equality of man and woman
B) Environmental issues
C) Boycotting the meat and dairy industries for reason B as well as others.
Yay Susperia!

Milk is full of pus and blood. Of course, everything we eat is 80% rat shit.

"I want some milk!
Give me some milk!" etc.

Anyway, as far as the topic:
I have no qualms about things being "gay" or whatever.
I'm into like trad jazz, LOVE Sarah McLachlan (Fumbling Toward Ecstasy) and Lauryn Hill (Miseducation...), I could go on and on: I have thousands of CDs, many of them "gay"...

Final point: Here are the first 5 "rock/pop" albums (yes, vinyl) I owned as a young teen:
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Air Supply's Greatest Hits
Police - Synchronicity (sorry, that's not very guilty)
Flashdance Sdtk.
Hall and Oates - H2O
A. Towns or cities not getting enough funds to be cleaned up a bit. I'm not saying we need to put hotels and condo's everywhere to become the nicest tourist attractions, but some towns and cities are just unbearably dumpy unpleasent to witness or pass through. Lake Placid NY where I live is nice but other area's surrounding are shit holes and people have to witness some of these places to get here or leave. I don't understand why people can let things get so bad. I also think a town close to here being called the all american city over us when it's a complete dump is bullshit.

Are you actually doing anything yourself to help the environment or boy cotting meats,etc... or are these just thoughts. I would not consider what I said life battles for me because there is nothing I could do to help. I can only help myself and try to improve my own life. I could think about all these problems but it's thoughts. They are not battles I have choosen to fight.

I think it sucks people litter and it negativley effects the enviroment but i'm not going to go pick up other peoples things they put there. Factories put shit in the air... what can you do it about. It's not worth even thinking about it.
I go through several gallons of milk in a week, ever since I was young and I haven't had any problems yet. I am pretty tall (6'2"), if that has anything to do with how it affects your growth rate. I've been tall since 5th or 6th grade.
Dee Snarl said:
Yay Susperia!

Milk is full of pus and blood. Of course, everything we eat is 80% rat shit.

"I want some milk!
Give me some milk!" etc.

Anyway, as far as the topic:
I have no qualms about things being "gay" or whatever.
I'm into like trad jazz, LOVE Sarah McLachlan (Fumbling Toward Ecstasy) and Lauryn Hill (Miseducation...), I could go on and on: I have thousands of CDs, many of them "gay"...

Final point: Here are the first 5 "rock/pop" albums (yes, vinyl) I owned as a young teen:
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Air Supply's Greatest Hits
Police - Synchronicity (sorry, that's not very guilty)
Flashdance Sdtk.
Hall and Oates - H2O

This thread is way off topic, but, for people worried about growth hormones and such, there ARE organic dairy farms that do not use pesticides or hormones and do not ultra-pasteurize the milk. At least there are in Washington. Example: I would imagine if you looked locally you might find something similar.
No seriously. Equality of men and women is ridiculous and vague; on what fucking level? Civil, sure. I don't see why not. I'm pro-women's RIGHTS, but men and women will never be equal. Separate but equal is INHERENTLY unequal, and that is what men and women are; separate genders. Each gender does certain things better than the other gender. And not just the stereotypes either.