Guilty Pleasures and Sissy Music


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2003
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This thread was inspired by that hysterical metal commercial posted in another thread. For those who didnt see it, it shows a bunch of hardcore metalheads hanging out, all decked out in the spikes and what not, then all of them leave except one guy who puts on some pop music from a CD he has hidden under a skull and a ridiculous outfit and starts dancing like a fairy princess. The other guys comes back and catch him in the act. Funny stuff.

But admit it, we all have a couple of songs or bands like that. Sometimes it's hard to shake the metalhead image, especially when you're young and desperately trying to be cool and/or tough.

Personally I have a bunch of songs that would raise a few eyebrows. Off the top of my head, one of them is The Devil Went Down To Georgia by Charlie Daniels Band. When that puppy comes on, it's time to rock out. Why some black metal band hasn't covered that as a goof yet I dont know. It is satanic, after all, sorta :D

So fess up...what do you listen to when no one is looking? Let's have some fun.
HAHAHAHA ABBA....Ok, Ok, I love Cheesy shit too. Sometimes these bands are CONSIDERED metal, but they really are just plain old cheese Power Rock.

I like Guns and Roses, Freak Kitchen, and sometimes John and I will watch the Black Entertainment channel and watch rap is fun, lol!
Awww..Guns and Roses doesn't count! They may not be death metal but they aren't a band that you want to hide your head in the sand about :D

I have an infatuation with 99 Red(Luft) Balloons by Nena. Wanna know how bad it is? I can sing it in German...and I dont speak German! Now THAT'S bad! :loco:

Goldfinger and Seven Seconds both did pretty cool covers of this classic.
HAHA agreed Rap is so fucking humerous, you guys should know the best judging from my drunkened posts there. OH and EYE OF THE TIGER!! it's myyy song oh see, now I get all sentimental just thinking about it. haha and "you ain't seen nothing yet" by that other band.
HHAAHA..ok Gollum, I like Opera...OK, some metal heads will look down at me for that but ask me if I care....I don't...I alos really love Bjork, she is so talented--

There are a few more that I will never mention, but John knows who they are, but he will never tell, right e? hehehe
None of these bands are guilty pleasures of mine, I'll fully admit I like them, 'cuz I dont need to pretend to be cool...Cuz Goddamn, I'm the coolest motherfucker I know! :D
Here they be:
Bjork, Fionna Apple, Tori Amos, Vanessa Carlton, Deftones, The Used, Glassjaw, From Autumn To Ashes, Jimmy Eat World, Tupac, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Outkast, Primus, A Perfect Circle, Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311 & I'm sure there's others but they're not popping into my head right now.
Yeah well I've got no problem with that haha my friend's so G I'm forced to Tupac and Eminem all day.

How could I forget Poison...guilty pleasure for sure. And baby talk dirty to me rroooaaaar....
Atta boy, 8thPlague! Give'em hell!

I like Vanessa Carlton too! I even bought the friggin' CD! She's got one hell of a voice.


Hell yeah. I think every metalhead has rocked out to Talk Dirty To Me. I wouldnt call myself a Poison fan, but I like that song and know every word.
I don't have guilty pleasures, I fully admit to liking everything I listen to.

Billy Joel, Elton John, Andrew WK, The Roots, Outkast, the Foo Fighters(I stand by my belief that Dave Grohl is a musical Genius), Jimmy Eat World, Weezer, Pearl Jam, Run DMC, The Red HJot Chilli Peppers, Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys, WU Tang, and a lot of other shit that doesn't come to mind right now.
PANTERAaddict101 said:
Contra music! Some band did a metal cover of contra on I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure because it kicks so much ass, but there's one.

Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, those guys kick ass.

Classical music shouldn't be considered a guilty pleasure... :Smug: