Guitar chain clarification


Jun 22, 2009
I got a fireface 800 and my chain for recording the guiatar is guitar->fireface 800->cubase->revalvermkiii my question is if i put a reampbox between my guitar and fireface800 will i see a significant increase on the sound quality?
And a second one is the quaity of Axefx sim impulses are higher(better) than the impulses used through boogex-kefir-or(builtin Revalvermkiii sim cab)?
I got a fireface 800 and my chain for recording the guiatar is guitar->fireface 800->cubase->revalvermkiii my question is if i put a reampbox between my guitar and fireface800 will i see a significant increase on the sound quality?


axe-fx IR's...they are captured with a really neutral microphone so they
can be combined with the different mic simulations in the axe-fx.
better or not is a matter of taste.
personally i prefer external IR's over the axe-fx stock impulses.

So if i use the guitarhack new IR through axefx will have the same quality as i was using it through boogex or kefir. Im i right if i understand well?
So if i use the guitarhack new IR through axefx will have the same quality as i was using it through boogex or kefir. Im i right if i understand well?

what will have the same quality, the IR!?
it would be helpful if you would tell us what you are exactly aiming for!:goggly:

the axe-fx IR's are just normal wav IR's which are converted into the axe-fx (sysex) format! :)

if i put a reampbox between my guitar and fireface800 will i see a significant increase on the sound quality?

a reamp box is a device for playing a previously recorded guitar part (recorded in your case straight into the fireface) back through a guitar amp (or any other guitar specific gear, go read the reamp tutorial in the production tips subforum) so as you can record the part and get the playing perfect, and then adjust the tone etc later.

Putting a reamp box in between your guitar and interface is not what it's for