Guitar compression

Jaded Monkey

New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2007
Hey guys, sorry about this thread... its probably been asked a thousand times but I have a slow connection and need and answer a little faster than my 56k connection. When You are mixing guitars, do you generally add compression to each track ( I have 1 hard left / 1 hard right) or do you send them to a bus with a compressor on it?
I have tried both, but right now have both tracks running through a bus with comp and eq.... I'm curious as to which is better

yeah.. unless you got real problems, there is no need to compress metal guitar. Rhythm guits anyway
I've messed with it more and found that I like the sound better when I route the guitars into one compressor (used lightly). Wow I see people talking about using compression on everything so my first instinct was to slap it on everything...... thanks for the info.... I'll play around with it more... I'll post something up later so maybe you guys can graciously take a listen for some opinions... thanks again
yes, the distorted guitars don't need compression, becouse they are already compressed by the saturation, use a multiband to remove certaint frequencies, like andy do with the c4.....