guitar for sale

Bet 1. Tritonus. 1500$ or 11550 krones

Bet 2: Zack. 2,500$

Bet 3: King Chaos. 1600$

Bet 4: Siren. 2000$

Bet 5: Marduk1507 4000$

Bet 6: Cuthalion. >10.000$

Bet 7: Delirious. 2200$

let's just hope niklas posts the winning offer. :)
i think it would be nice that he signs the guitar :) i'd buy it if i had the money...cuz i know it wont be cheap... and the sign will be like OMFGIHAVESUNDNGUITARINMYROOMIDONTEVENPLAYBUTEATTHATLOSERS!!
yeah... :D *dreams of it*
Why don't you lay a bet then?
I think Niklas thinks that people wants to buy it because it's a good guitar. I don't think he gets how everybody drewls. Not an insultment to his intellect.......He just feels like the kind of person that don't really wants to admit how amazing he is.

Maybe I exagerate a bit now...
i agree with you Tritonus but sadly i wont lay a bet...
but if i was one of you, laying bets and buy that guitar...i would ask for a sign from him :) he is very cool :D
I dont think you understand whats going on. We are betting how much Niklas will get for the guitar, these are not real offers, just "as if" bets. But maybe you understand that and my impression was wrong, in that case, sorry.
New classic is $2000 (checked, even colors are alike), so... hey, I really wouldn't even waste your time betting, cuz I don't believe any financial details will EVER be disclosed. I would keep all numbers to myself, if I were buying it.


ishkur said:
he is very cool :D

Tritonus said:
...the kind of person that don't really wants to admit how amazing he is.

tr00 :cool:
Well Marduk. That is exactly what I meant when I asked for people to lay their bets and I'm still waiting for Plintus and Ishkur.

Ishkur: I do not think that anyone here has seriously put an offer on the guitar, so we're just guessing.
Tritonus said:
I do not think that anyone here has seriously put an offer on the guitar, so we're just guessing.

Thing is I'm considering making a serious offer, but not any time soon :( Who knows (and I'm not sure about that), but it can be up for sale for some time, so I will be able to buy it. So - no bet here from me.
I've just realized that I was talking out of my ears (you can't say like that)..... I would change my bet if a could. It will go for more than that....Forgive me, I'm just a simple drummer.