I've been playing guitar for a while now, but I've never really used any other tuning other than standard D, so the thing is , that I have a cheap guitar tuner, which has 3 different tuning modes,D,b,Bb but I don't know if the last two stand for standard B and C or what so ...could you guys help me out?:zombie:
You should use the D setting for guitar.
Bb and b is used for saxophones and other wind instruments, because the notes for those instruments are transposed on sheet music. Wind instruments are generally used in a certain range of tones. That range of tones doesn't fit nicely if you would write it regularly C in the five lines of sheet music, because you would need a lot of helplines above the five. That's why they just transpose the writing to lower tones to fit it into the five-line system. In the D mode the tones (A, B, C... etc.) are in reality the same, while in Bb mode for example the tuner will transpose the tones to make up for the transposition I just wrote about.
Also for clarification; those different modes are not for different tunings on guitar. Every mode will just recognize the tones that are played. You're the one who has to tune the strings to what tones you want them to be. In D mode it will say what you hear. In the other modes it will lower or higher the actual note, so that isn't helpful for you