Guitar picks?!


Anyone collect guitar picks?! I have been on a kick lately and have been getting them where I can find 'em... I'm referring to band picks...

Not exactly, I got an Iommi pick... I didnt even remember I got it until my wife found it in my pocket.:loco:
I caught one off James Hatfield when they were here, right after they played "Wherever I May Roam"
My friend caught one off Sepultura and one from Blind Guardian, lucky bastard.

Not collecting but I have one from Joe Satriani with his logo from a Reno concert. He throw it and landed just in fron of me on the table, more luck than I ever got in the casinos LOL
I have never been a collector of any music memorabilia, but I do have an Yngwie Malmsteen pick on a necklace I caught from his "Odyssee" tour. I wouldn't mind getting a Jorn Viggo Lofstad pick though. He has been my second favorite guitarist for about five years or so (whenever Celestial Entrance came out) up until I saw him a few weeks ago. He was so awful, that he pushed the mighty Wolf Hoffmann out of first place.

yes and I've caught several of them but I'd have to say the majority have been given to me being lucky enough to be on the rail and they've gotten handed to me or while talking to them backstage :rock: