Guitar Port /w metal pack sounds as good as POD XT?

Simple question. :) What I need is ONE good rhythm sound, and would like to know if (for example) the 5150 (criminal) sounds the same in XT and Guitar Port?

And yeah, I know about the technical pros and cons, I just wanna know if they sound the same.

the guitarport only works with usb right ? the guitarprt sounds totally different then the podxt.
i have had the guitarport and it only worked quite trough the ub, and the podxt just trough the line in. the same amps sound completely different.
Storyteller - the jury is still out on this. I have a toneport, which is basically the same thing as guitarport but has quite a few extra features.

I have not had a podxt here to A/B with so I do not know the answer, and neither does line6 according to the brief browsing of their forum.

What it comes down to is the GP/TP rely on CPU from PC to process, so your PC is doing what it would do with amplitube/guitar rig, etc. The hardware version of XT obviously use their own internal processing and DSP chips and CPU (probably some type of motorola chip or whatever).

SO... instead of the age old question of solid state vs. tube, now youve got the question of PC CPU vs. POD CPU. LOL.
Mendel... you sure about them sounding totally different? Sounds strange to me since you can buy the exact same model packs for pod xt and guitarport (you can even transfer your model pack from guitarport <-> pod xt if you decide to upgrade the hardware). In my book; same software should sound the same. I might be wrong of course, but it seems logical.

edit: I just realized that what you said definitely is true if the guitarport you heard/owned had a software version prior to 2.5, not only because the possibility to add model packs was introduced from version 2.5, but also because the whole shebang has changed. It sounds different (better) now than it used to. So, which version are we talking about when you say they don't sound the same?
Well... in regards to Storytellers original question, I would also like to know if the software of toneport/guitarport is indeed IDENTICAL to that of their hardware counterparts, or if the actual hardware makes a difference.
5 newcastle browns + improv on both sides + toneport + 80$ yamaha with stock pups = this throaway clip:

the interface is coola nd all but.. really.. it just seems funny to spend a lot of time on the directies when you know you can later mic an amp and not fuck around??!

i dunno

fack.. edit number 2.. sorry.. burzzzzzed.