Wow, that PLEK stuff looks awesome! :O
Don't forget that you have to play heavy strings differently.
I started using the Elixir 12-68s for Standard C...It's just fucking amazing in every way. It seems a little wacky but its really not as strange as it sounds, try it! Awesome tone
Don't forget that you have to play heavy strings differently.
Let's see if you can help me with my burny lespaul copy (24.75 scale length):
I have used in the past 10-54 in C standard with no problem.
Now I switched over 10-60 cause lowC wasn't tight enough, but the low C can't tune perfectly, the intonation is fucked up!
I mean C open string is ok but at the 12 fret is too sharp, and I can't turn the screw to go "away from neck" since is at the end.
So I took a 56 and see that the problem didn't disappear but was far better than before.
I lowered the action and definetely it sounded right, almost perfect.
I tried even straightening the fretboard turning the truss rod, but it didn' help that much as changing the string to a thinner one and lowering the action.
I don't know if it's the capo non perfectly alligned to the edge of the fretboard maybe.
When I received the guitar the capo "jumped out" (shipped from japan and 20 years old) so I glued that myself.
What should I do?
Your saddle being glued on incorrectly shouldnt affect the 12th fret intonation as much as it would affect the 5-7th fret intonation.
Your guitar is probably built for being played with thinner strings(8-10's), which means that it wont intonate properly with fatter string gauges.
What you can do is put on a bit thinner strings with a round core(Gives higher tension at lower gauges.), and then adjust your neck to a slight relief, you should increase string tension enough for it to not be "floppy" and still keep intonation.
Dont use elixirs!
If you buy a pack of those, each of the 6 strings will come from different companies, and they are just dipped in gortex!
If you want a coated string, get a EMP-treated one(Like Cleartone.).. they're not as dull sounding as Elixirs, live just as long, and they dont start to "frill up" when they are worn!
Elixirs used to be D'Addarios treated with gortex, but now days Elixir buys the cheapest strings they can find on the market and coat them.
where does this info come from?, becasue i really like elixers. they seem great for dudes with acid sweat. (ala me)