Guitar Suite short clip


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
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Guitar Suite so much better then my GT-6.

No aditional processing (eq/comp...) just tube sceamer + jcm-900.

What do think? I know it's short but I had no time for more - I'll do it asap.
sounds nice but the guitar sounds a little low in the mix, still got the session saved? bring the guitar up say 1-2db and repost, i'm interested to hear it a little louder
I can't read the settings cause when I load a preset it doesn't move the slider. I don't if it the cubase problem or what?

It something like this:

gain and tone about 9
level max

channel A with LOTS of gain but not max - max sounds bad.
mids a bit over 50%
lows and highs a bit under 50%
no presence. no reverb

I think it can't be the same for every guitar but that's a guide line.

It's really hard to play with this setting but once recorded it's good.
like i said try and eq some mids into it and some presence around 8khz, then bring the guitars back down the original volume, and post again :)
BTW: How do you program the drums? Which software did you use? I'm searching for a good one (just a simple one where I can load some samples and arrange it easily).
There is plenty of room for some eq-ing. But I am off to study now.

@deathlef: this is done with superior. In my expirience best independent drum sempler is NI Battery - simple, good functionality. Btw. I didn't like Battery 2
Atheist said:
I can't read the settings cause when I load a preset it doesn't move the slider. I don't if it the cubase problem or what?
yep i have the same problem (also in cubase) :( anyone know how to fix it?

ot: moonie wtf is jack bauer? some aussie version of chuck norris ?:dopey:
It's actually put the settings in, despite the sliders looking default. If you want them all in their correct places, after loading the patch, just scroll up and down through the 'Init' box until you get back to the patch and it will have put the sliders in the right places.

Biggest issue I find with using guitarsuite in Nuendo/Cubase is that CPU usage peaks A LOT almost at random intervals. I think it usually happens when the playing slider isn't on an audio block on the guitar track. Weird shit, but it's a pretty big issue, so I find myself processing guitarsuite onto my guitar track offline after having tracked in real time.
Great stuff, I'm impressed by this plugin. Never heard of it before, thank you. By the way cool tune!