Looking for someone to mix a short clip (will pay)

I hate to say it but those drums sound incredibly fake.

I agree....I can get them to sound much more realistic, but havent fooled with the drums yet. Like I mentioned earlier, Im not worried about editing the drums....Its everything else.

Also, I'll reload the guitar tracks in a few.....I forgot I had the tracks muted when I exported the tracks :(

And I'll track the bass again right quick so you have something better to work with.

Edit....uploading now. It feels like its taking forever to upload :hypno:
I agree....I can get them to sound much more realistic, but havent fooled with the drums yet. Like I mentioned earlier, Im not worried about editing the drums....Its everything else.

Well you want better mixes but you don't care about the drums? That doesn't quite make sense as the drums play a very big role in the overall sound of a mix.
Well you want better mixes but you don't care about the drums? That doesn't quite make sense as the drums play a very big role in the overall sound of a mix.

Maybe I didnt phrase that correctly. I definitely care about the drums. Its just that I am already pretty comfortable with my abilities to make programmed drums sound more realistic. I will edit these midi tracks when I get a chance, I just havent got to it yet. I figured that it would save you guys a ton of time if you didnt have to worry about making them sound realistic...thats why I said dont worry about that. Feel free to eq the drums...sound replace....whatever you want. Im really just trying to learn more about what you guys would do with with the guitar & bass so that they sit well in the mix...and sound good.

Oh...and I updated the files.
Thanks rcg and Jhakwe...much appreciated!

btw...Ive also uploaded the midi file for the drums if anyone wants it.
Cool...glad to see some more people are giving it a shot. I'll figure out which mix I like the best.....it would be awesome if other sneapsters gave some feedback on the differnt mixes as well.
Im gonna wait until tomorrow to select a "winner" in case anyone else wants to give it a shot.