Looking for someone to mix a short clip (will pay)


Dec 14, 2007
The tracks are now here ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=8fd9e69e752c499867cd7f7bd65f7eefc3036cd43c29b7c95621d66e282a0ee8

Here is the deal....I've come a long way with my mixing skills, but I still have a lot to learn and I feel like Im stuck in a rut. What I would like to do is have someone mix a clip of one of my songs (about 1 minute or so long) and send me the finished product with the modified individual tracks. You dont need to correct any tracking mistakes...but just eq, compress, and whatever else you need to do to get the overall sound good. Main focus is guitar, bass, and vocals. The drums are all samples.

I'd prefer someone that has experience...and it would be great to hear some examples of their work.

So, anyone up for it? Like the title says, I'm willing to pay...but please take it easy on me if you can lol.


Edit: Dont worry about the drums sounding fake....I can take care of that later.

Here is what is included:

- 4 Guitar Tracks: EMG 81/85, dry DI signal. Software amp simulation would be ideal because it would make it easier for me to attain a similar sound in the future. I currently have Amplitube metal and all of the decent free amp sims, but any software is ok (I'm trying to convince myself to buy revalver mkIII anyways)

- Bass: DI to interface to pc

- Drums are samples. I have the midi files that I will "humanize" another day. For now I bounced the tracks to wav...I'll do the midi editing later (velocities, timing, humanizing, etc). Just get the levels and eq, comp, replace, or whatever u want.
I'll do it for free as long as I don't have to edit it. (I read, but I had to add that anyway).


Put "not spam" as the title of the message. Send zip/rar/etc.

The drums are a big deal too, even if they are samples, a lot of people get away with non-real drum performances. You still have to mix em.
You could host the tracks on a hosting service of your preference and let everyone interested have a go at it. Then pick the mix(es) you like and sort out the details on payment etc.

Great idea! Sort of like a competition with a cash prize. I could listen to the mixes and pay the "winner" for the individual tracks :kickass:

I'm hoping to use this as an "aid" for my ears. I hope that it will help me recognize the things that I overlook. It will sort of serve as a template, but I hope to learn more about how the instruments fit together in the mix rather than just copying settings.

Also, let me give you guys an idea of what you'd be working with.

- 4 Guitar Tracks: EMG 81/85, DI signal. Software amp simulation would be ideal because it would make it easier for me to attain a similar sound in the future. I currently have Amplitube metal and all of the decent free amp sims, but any software is ok (I'm trying to convince myself to buy revalver mkIII anyways)

- Bass: DI to interface to pc.

- Drums are samples. I have the midi files that I will "humanize" at a later date. For now I'll bounce the tracks to wav because I'm not concerned about midi editing (velocities, timing, humanizing, etc). Just get the levels and eq, comp, replace, or whatever.

I'll get everything ready as soon as I can (this evening...tomorrow morning at the very latest). I will update this thread with a link to the raw files.

I'm not sure how much $$$ is fair. A 1 minute clip shouldn't take too long (hopefully). I'll set the prize at $30 (US) for now. If this is unreasonable please let me know. I've yet to charge for my work, so I dont have the best idea of mixing rates.

Anyways, I'll keep you posted. When I have the tracks uploaded I'll edit the title of this thread so everyone will know.

It doesn't make sense to offer payment for a mix of a CLIP. Ok if it was a full song but why would you pay anyone for a clip? It sounds like all you really want is to hear someone else mix your material so you can compare it with your own mixing, am I right?

Don't know about the rest, but I'd do it for free if I was good at mixing :)
It doesn't make sense to offer payment for a mix of a CLIP. Ok if it was a full song but why would you pay anyone for a clip? It sounds like all you really want is to hear someone else mix your material so you can compare it with your own mixing, am I right?

yea, thats it in a nutshell. I wanna see what someone with more experience would do differently. I think it would help me out a lot because I'm sure there are some things that my ear just isnt picking up on. If Im right about it helping, then I dont mind paying someone.

Also, I had another idea. Once the song is mixed, I may let the forum members vote on what they think is the best mix. I realize I should just select a mix that I think sounds good....but I really want to see it from another perspective. Hope that makes sense.
All of that totally makes sense - I'd just point out that, even putting aside the fact that pretty much anyone here (myself included) would give this a crack for free, you'll probably get feedback on the strong and weak points of each forum members' mix from the other forum members themselves, as they post their final products in this thread! In fact, I'd go so far as to say that should you eventually decide on your ideal template mix and offer the corresponding Sneapite the $30, in all likely hood they'd say 'Nah, that's okay, it was fun to do' and go about their day. :)

EDIT: Cue someone else on the forum saying "Shut the fuck up Dill, I gots bills to pay!"