1B and 1F move on to the next round! To those who didn't make it, sorry but thanks for playing! Here is their info.
1A was ahjteam
no further info in the submitted files
1C was BURNY
no further info in the submitted files
1D was Calippo Tecks
1E was Chrism
No further info in the submitted files
1G was Dan Lights
All guitars are ampsims, no real re-amping
Guitars R1 and L1
Lepou's LeCab with Ryan's awesome1 impulse
ReaEq (Highpass, small boosts and cuts)
Guitars R2 and L2
Lepou's LeGion
Lepou's LeCab with SoloC_IR_Center Impulse
ReaEq (Highpass, lowpass, cuts and boosts)
Guitar C
Lepou's LeGion
Lepou's LeCab with Ryan's awesome1 impulse
ReaEq (Very heavy highpass and lowpass, boosted between 500Hz and 3Khz)
Gclip (just cutting off peaks)
Melody Guitars
Ts's Secret
Lepou's Le456
Lepou's LeCab with SoloC_Ir_center impulse
TAL Reverb Plugin
ReaEq (highpass, small boost at 1.2Khz, small highshelf cut)
Lead Guitar
Ob PS-1
Lepou's LeGion
Lepou's LeCab with Ryan's awesome1 impulse
ReaEq (highshelf cut, lowshelf cut, boost between 600Hz and 2khz)