Marcus' JSX ones sound the most 'natural' to me, without fail. The Recto ones are voiced in a way I don't personally like, but that doesn't necessarily speak ill of their quality. Just not my thing.
Impulses still have a way to go. If you want to go down the impulse path, Joey, you're better of just mic'ing a real cab, because it'll get you the other 20% of missing tone. Nebula at the moment isn't handling the job too well, so we have no viable alternative for using real cabs at this moment in time.
The Axe-FX fails to really make an impact on me. It constantly creates these new-age, flat, 2 dimensional tones that all the metalcore and djent-lovers seem to dig, but I'm in another camp. I'd sooner grab a Dual Rec head and run it right into impulses.
Personally, I believe the near future lies in the hybrid approach. All the best non-linear aspects of a tube head combined with the realistic cab depiction of convolution modeling. Convolution has a way to go before it can adequately model the cabs, but for the time being it does the job somewhat convincingly. It's the best compromise I've found short of actually mic'ing a real set-up. Though I'll always do the latter if possible.
I think I've maybe been spoiled by the plethora of amazing amps I've had the pleasure to work with over the last few years. I've come out on the other side simply not being able to tolerate the deficiencies of impulses, nor the sound of digital modelers. None of it does anything for me that a well-constructed tube amp running through a great cab would.
If you're digging the Line 6 approach, then maybe stick with them. They certainly make the best emulation product suited for professional productions, IMO. They don't sound the most realistic, nor the most organic, but they have this way of 'sitting' in the mix just right with the appropriate EQ treatment. Beside that, Revalver 3 has some amazing potential, but I've yet to hear it pulled off convincingly in a pro mix. I'd sooner use a real head with impulses there once again!
All of this.