guitar tone purchase, opinions needed

He sold all his gear for that damn thin hahahahaa

I did the same thing, and promptly returned the AxeFX/bought it all back. It just isn't there for tight, saturated, 5150/Recto tones we go for these types of styles. Amazing cleans/lowgain tones, great lead sounds, and killer effects. Definitely the best djent-machine available. Just not very melodeath friendly.
Dude! You don't look Emo anymore!:rock:

Also: Metal Amp Room.

" Metal Amp Room was designed to bring you the most brutal, evil and aggressive sound that is possible to squeeze out of your DAW. It was co-developed with Patrik Jensen (The Haunted) and tailored to his needs. The continuous mic placement from Vintage Amp Room is back, but this time with twin mics with adjustable stereo panning. Get a huge stereo sound with complex adjustable phasing effects, a plain old one-mic-right-against-the-cone, or anything in between. The cabinets were measured in the In Flames studio (previously known as Studio Fredman) by Tue Madsen and Patrik Jensen. "
I think you need to spend more time with real amps, Joey. If you're as serious about what you do as you say, it wouldn't be a bad idea to drop 5 grand on a few good tube heads and cabs. You do realize you're probably disappointed with real amplifiers because you never spent as much time with them as you did with your POD, right? You posted earlier "touring musicians have gear that isn't well taken care of, etc." Yeah, this is true, but you rarely EVER use someone else's amp in the studio. I know I haven't; mine have always and will always sound better. You could have YOUR studio amps, which you would know in and out and every time you record, you'd have predictable results.
Yeah I bought Metal Amp Room, haven't had much luck with it for fast things. Mainly slower stuff like doom/drone music. And for that it's the shit, just lacking on the faster kinds of music. I'll say this though, it's definitely accurate with the signature PBall fizz! I have a PODxt Pro heading to me next week...

And, for the record, I agree that ReValver's RIR module does not sound as good as it could, really the point of my post was to say hey, using two impulses on one signal sounds good :)
studio devil is a a+ in my books

why not invest in something different and try it out? like a korg toneworks ax3000g (i think thats the model) and do reamping through that. at least your tone will be different to a lot of peoples here. and if its crap sell it!