guitar tracking > LOUD Vs. headphones !?


Feb 18, 2008
surely, using headphones is nice when it needs to
be quiet, recording at night etc.

on the other hand i think that i am able to
play better when i can hear the guitar LOUD.

what's your experience!?

I play way better when I can hear the drums way, way louder than the guitars. Sometimes I dont even moniter the guitar signal. (unless there are bends) each to their own i suppose.
monitors crankin' for me. helps me with getting into the mood, similar to a live atmosphere i guess.
some people perform way better with cans though, so it's largely a matter of preference....
i mostly track with headphones, helps me to hear if its tight enough or not
the loudest thing during tracking is the click/metronome.
i just have to take care not to turn the headphones too loud though...
I prefer recording to plain click, but sometimes it is easier to the drumbeat. No preference on monitors vs. cans, but mostly I record with monitors. I need to hear the guitar loud and clear though. If it's too silent, I can't get into the chug mood, and for some reason it is easier to miss timing on slower parts.
Pickups tend to record the metronom, thats why I record (or let people recor guitars) with headphones and monitors turned off.

Also I think I´m way tighter with headphones....
thanks for the repolies guys!:)
so i tried headphones again, no way, just can't get into mood as it ws mentioned before.
that sucks because everytime i want to make some recordings it's late in the evening/night.

It has some latency yeah, only very slightly but its enough to throw me off with the timing.

Must have quite a lot in that case, if it's actually distracting. We accidentally recorded about half of our guitars with like 30ms latency, because there was a setting I forgot to set up (wasn't audio buffer, it was a Focusrite thing of some sort).

30ms is a lot, considering I can go as low as 6,5 now. But no one ever complained about the latency.
But no one ever complained about the latency.

dude, that's not exactly a positive's like a drummer not recognizing you took away his snare....i mean, are your guitarplayers deaf or something?
i cant even play with that kind of latency, not to mention record :OMG:
i mostly track with headphones, helps me to hear if its tight enough or not
the loudest thing during tracking is the click/metronome.
i just have to take care not to turn the headphones too loud though...


Also, I dont monitor any other guitar tracks while tracking guitars. Distracting as hell. Only drums + one guitar.
I think it's pretty important for the feel of the music to hear the drums while tracking even though they're all aligned exactly to the metronome. The bassist in my band can't play for shit with a metronome - he has to have drums to play with.

I know you can play back what you just tracked to check for mistakes, but it's much quicker to be able to hear them as they happen and again for the feel of the music it helps.

Each to their own though! I'd suggest playing with the levels in your headphones until you're happy, or if you don't like that crank your monitors.
I play through my headphones all the time, but I need it loud in them and I need the drums in there, too.
So most of the time I have click, drums and guitar on my ears while tracking, for the second guitar track,
I just set both guitar tracks to center and reduce the first recorded volumewise, that works pretty well for me.
The mix between drums and guitar is almost exactly like in the finished recording.
Thats the best way for me to be as tight as possible.
For Bass it's a bit different, I need the drums pretty loud, the guitars very quiet, I use a eq on them for that part
with a high pass at 200hz or something like that, so I can hear the bass very well.
My old guitar player just wanted the drums and a little bit of his guitar, that's it. Or just the click, but he was
like 1.000.000 times tighter than me, so ;)
i mostly track with headphones, helps me to hear if its tight enough or not
the loudest thing during tracking is the click/metronome.
i just have to take care not to turn the headphones too loud though...

This. I've tried with monitors and I just don't play as tight. Maybe if I crank them up a lot. I track using amp sims though, with a real amp it's different, but I don't usually have a blaring cab next to where I'm tracking.