guitar tracking > LOUD Vs. headphones !?

i´m nearly always recording bass and guitar loud in the main room as it is much easier to conversate with the player between the different takes than talking to him via talkback to his headphones although he is sitting right next to you.
If you're going DI with guitar, and you want to get feedback by putting your pick-ups next to monitors, you can't use headphones, of course.
I used to use headphones when recording guitars, but what actually works better for me is muting the cymbals and turning up the metronome, youll play way tighter white the kick and snare w/o hearing cymbals.

like in this song...

cool idea, i generally like hearing everything else pretty loud, if the drums are already tight on the click, why even bother using a click? I'll have to try to remember to get the cymbals down.