Guitars with thin or "fast" necks?

Thanks guys! Caparison would be one sweet guitar to have. I worked with a guitar player who played their guitars (and I think had an endorsement). I wonder if I can get a hook up?

BTW, I know this is an extremely subjective question that borderlines trolling, but since having a baby and working around the clock...I haven't had time to go to the local guitar shop.

Thanks again!
I love the Jackson necks. Very thin and fast but without the flat. Not too into the flat necks.

I don't really find my 60s Les Paul neck to be too thick at all. But, it's definitly no "wizard" neck.
Just about the thinnest necks you'll find are the old Ibanez RGs, late 80s/early 90s.
They started producing guitars with the classic ultra thin Wizard neck again recently, but they are quite overpriced IMO.
Personally I think those necks are simply too thin for long playing periods unless you have small hands, but ultimately the only way to know is to sit there and play for about 4 hours straight (with maybe a short break in between) and see if it's comfy or not.
There is of course, the normal Wizard I Prestige neck, 1mm thicker than the old school Wizard I necks. Same fretboard radius, different neck profile and IMO more comfy to play for extended periods of time.
Be warned the stock V7/V8 pickups are not amazing, but can changed out of course (Dimarzios Evos and D-Sonics work very well in basswood guitars like these)
The neck on my RG 7421 (7 string) is still relatively thin and flat, but I think it's something like 2mm thicker than a classic Wizard I neck. I can play this thing for hours and hours and most likely when I get a custom made RG-Style 7 string, I might ask to have the neck based off my RG 7421. The RG 7420/7421/7620/7621 have beautiful necks IMO, superbly playable and comfortable. I came from playing 6 strings for years, and my RG 7421 helped me get into the transition to 7s so easily, thanks to the neck.
The RG 7321 and RG 1527 have a similar sized neck in terms of dimensions on paper, but they feel vastly different to the 74/76xx necks. The 7321 is a lot more square neck profile wise and has a smaller fretboard radius lending itself (IMHO) to an overall slower neck feel compared to the bigger fretboard radius of the 74/76xx and 1527.
Not sure if the OP is interested in 7 strings, but I guess hopefully that will be of some interest to other readers.

Not quite as thin, but I absolutely adore the current Jackson necks that that are on the Pro series DK2 models (DK2S, DK2M, DK2). The thinnest necks Jackson have, but not Wizard I thin, but just super comfy and highly playable for the price.
I believe the only other model that shares that neck size is the Soloist SLS range.
The white finish one in particular IMO is an absolutely stunning instrument. The playability is just absurdly good.
Might be a bit out of your price range, but give it a go if you can find one.
I had a Jackson Dinky (Korean made I think) and that had a fast thin neck. The neck had a satin finish on the back so my thumb wouldn't "drag" as much on it as with a normal glossy lacquer type of finish. So that's another "feature" too look into.
I don't get the advantages behind thin over fat necks. I can play the same speed on a thin neck that I can on fat neck To me it's just like another body shape.
I don't have a lot of experience with Jackson guitars, to be honest, but my impression is that they aren't THAT thin, just flat.... well, at least compared to Ibanez Wizard necks.

Ibanez wizard neck is most thin than Jackson neck.

Btw Jackson have 2 necks:

Standard (SL1/2, DK, RR, Kelly, Wr)
Speedneck: KV
do you know whats on the demmelition V? its probably the best neck i've ever played (its faaar from thin but super fast imo)

AFAIK the Demmelition sports the chunkiest neck Jackson makes.
Regardless of size, all the Pro series and higher end Jackson have ultra fast necks anyway.
I don't get the advantages behind thin over fat necks. I can play the same speed on a thin neck that I can on fat neck To me it's just like another body shape.

To an extent I can kinda agree. I can play as fast on an 1988 RG 550 neck as I can a modern Jackson Soloist neck ( a fair bit thicker) but in the end it comes down to comfort and feel ultimately.
I just can't play thick necks without having my hand fatigue quickly, the neck has to be of a certain size or smaller for me to be able to play it for extended periods of time.
Some people are just picky really. I know I am, I pretty much don't feel comfortable with a guitar unless it has a speed neck.
The best neck I've ever played on was a BC Rich custom shop V. It was fantastic, but if you don't have 7,000 to spend on one, I suggest going the ESP or Caparison route.
I have an Ibanez J. Custom (RG 8420ZD) and the neck is very thin. Not sure how it compares in thinness with the other Wizard necks but according to the Ibanez Japan site:

Neck Dimension

Scale 648mm/25.5"
a : Width at Nut 43mm
b : Width at Last Fret 58mm
c: Thickness at 1st 17mm
d : Thickness at 12th 19mm
Radius 430mmR

It's the best neck I've ever played, period.

I have an Ibanez J. Custom (RG 8420ZD) and the neck is very thin. Not sure how it compares in thinness with the other Wizard necks but according to the Ibanez Japan site:

Neck Dimension

Scale 648mm/25.5"
a : Width at Nut 43mm
b : Width at Last Fret 58mm
c: Thickness at 1st 17mm
d : Thickness at 12th 19mm
Radius 430mmR

It's the best neck I've ever played, period.


The J Custom Wizard necks have the same dimensions as the old school Wizard I necks, thinner than that of the necks on the Prestige series guitars.