
I've never really been a huge fan of the active electronic pickups myself. I prefer the passive pickups, maybe. I don't know. I really don't care.

Also, come Thursday (maybe) I will own a Taylor 314 acoustic. Unless I find something better for the same price. Almost bought a Gibson Songwriter Deluxe Saturday but it was a little out of my price range.
the 314 is the electronic cutaway version of the 310, right? the 310 is what i have. really nice guitars, very solid feel. the 310 used to be their 'entry level' model, at around $900 or so. they now have more modest models in the $300-400 range that still seem like pretty solid guitars. those higher end ones get expensive real quick. they may still not have the cool tonal character of something like an old Gibson acoustic or a really good old Martin, but for readily available and fairly affordable acoustics, i think they're pretty top notch. Larrivees are dece too.
No the 314 is a Grand Auditorium model ($1050). Kind of a mix between the dreadnought (310) and jumbo (315) body styles. The jumbos tend to get real bassy real quick when you record them (or so I've been told). I thought about getting a 414, but that's an extra $300 and there's not much of a difference. I figured I'd take that extra $300 and throw it towards a cheapo nylon string acoustic (I just want that for some texturing not so much tonal qualities so I don't think I need to drop a lot of cash on it).

That gibson I played was $1700. I couldn't justify that price at this point in time though.
yamaha classical guitars are decent for very little money. not sure about brand new models out now, but historically they're solid. washburn had a good model i looked at a few years ago. but you should be able to find a used yamaha for under $300- i've seen them as little as $75, and almost bought one just because it was so ridiculously cheap and still sounded dece.
i was thinking of the 314-CE, which is the electric cutaway one. didn't realize there was a plain 314 model. looks nice!
I haven't found even one single classical guitar in Green Bay so far. There's two more stores I need to check out and then I have to start traveling. That or I'll have to buy one off the internet which I don't like to do very much (unless I've already played it somewhere else).