
Sweet guitar, Kenneth. I'm interested in the pics of the building process. I still have two slabs to carve myself, but the garage is a mess right now with the home renovations on-going.

Kahler's back in business, no? I know a guy up in Bernalillo (town north of Albuquerque) was selling parts a while back, but I heard Kahler was starting back up again. My Flat Mount on my Aria Pro is f'in' sweet!
It looks great, and it's already equipped with Dimarzio pickups, so it's pretty good for it's price...
And it's not like they're "Dimarzio budget LAG special" pickups either. It's actually a ToneZone in the Bridge position and a Norton in the neck. I am definitely considering selling my V for that fine axe. No definite conclusions though. I don't know how much that thing would cost in the US.
Here's the stash as it is right now:
And it's not like they're "Dimarzio budget LAG special" pickups either. It's actually a ToneZone in the Bridge position and a Norton in the neck. I am definitely considering selling my V for that fine axe. No definite conclusions though. I don't know how much that thing would cost in the US.

It retails at $1995 Australian, so it'd probably be about $1500 or so US I would think...
i just posted this in the pics thread, figured this thread would be more appropriate....


there's a few that were missing (and some soon to be added I hope), but there's the important ones.

I'll murder a little child to acquire one of those.

*taunts* yes....yes it is

I'm either going to be doing some mods to it or selling it soon. I'd offer you first dibs, but they've already been taken! I want t try the new S seven string (i'm a big fan of the ZR trem) and if I like that enough, I'll sell this one and get one of those. Otherwise, I'm just going to block the bridge on this one completey. The thing plays and sounds SO good. I've kept the stock pickups and I use it a lot for jazz/fusion stuff. Surprisingly, it covers those needs extremely well.
Thanks alot, you made my guitar commit suicide.

It just needs fixing, right?

say Dubya, you wouldn't be interested in adopting any kids would you?:p

2 cats & me in this house is bad enough, no kids, sorry! :)

I wouldn't waste so money on display guitars..:heh:

Bah! All are used, well cared for/maintained, and re-used by me.
Isn't it time for you to go play with your organ? :Saint:
