Guthrie Govan

My Myspace stuff is nothing close to's nowhere near my best playing and the recordings are rather sucky...they're rough and incomplete, but i just think it's fun to hear others and be heard. Maybe I would have been more of a perfectionist in my youth and waited until I was really ready, but i don't really care anymore. I improvised the whole thing, made some boo boo's and didn't even bother fixing them. I surprisingly got compliments from Chris Lasegue from Jag Panzer and Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal. I was shocked...I didn't seek them out...they found me somehow and sent me very nice and complimentary messages...that was pretty cool.
I've been recording some crappy stuff, but didn't get anything finished yet since I got a job besides being constantly busy with some other musical practices (orchestration...etc). I still intend to finish this someday though.
Here is a not so well-mixed short clip of what it sounds like:

Sounds promising:)...very, very short though:lol:

Seriously...I would love to hear the finished piece...very nice!:rock:
No, I just haven't contributed to this thread for a while. I actually DO really appreciate his skills, but it's always fun to razz the fanbois. Don't want y'all to think I'm getting soft or anything...
GPS news (I'm ashamed I'm so behind!)

Thursday, 17 July 2008 01:52
Exciting news. GPS are to shortly go into the studio to record their second album.

John Payne has confirmed that the direction of the next CD will be heavier but still maintain it's melodic structure.
"We wanted to push Guthrie ever more to the foreground" said John.
Also expect some eight minute plus prog rock/metal pieces on this follow up to 'WINDOW TO THE SOUL'.
Will be in the stores later this year!

At about 1:50 there's a bit about Guthrie followed by an insane live solo. That is one of the sickest displays of technique, not to mention chops, I've ever seen.
I watched all three, sounds like it could be really good. I like the guys voice, reminds of Dio, I'll admit to never knowing/hearing much about Asia, just the radio songs that became typically too long in the tooth.

** I looked into this last night and it appears that the CD they are talking about is old news, like 06 ? Im so stupid
Haha it's all good. IMO the CD is well worth checking out, but don't expect to be completely blown away have have yourlife changed or anything. As for Asia...they are one of the bands that can be :Puke: or :rock: depending on what you get. The discs Guthrie recorded with them are pretty good IMO, Silent Nation being my favorite of the two. The older stuff a lot more hit-or-miss for me. GPS is working on their follow-up release...I pasted the news blurb here in this thread earlier this week I think.