Ha ha... Ledmag, you started WWIII on the Opeth board...

Originally posted by Wolff

I'll get a life as soon as you stop sucking ledmag's dick, okay malaka?

Hey DragonLord>>>ISnt this one of the guys who was on the "grow up ledmag" bandwagon? hahahaha I think he was............hmmmmm
Originally posted by ledmag

Hey DragonLord>>>ISnt this one of the guys who was on the "grow up ledmag" bandwagon? hahahaha I think he was............hmmmmm

Fuck dude, if you need to call your boyfriend into an argument, you're really a sad case.

Any chance you'll grow up eh?

Or is it too much to ask from a redneck?
Originally posted by Wolff

Fuck dude, if you need to call your boyfriend into an argument, you're really a sad case.

Any chance you'll grow up eh?

Or is it too much to ask from a redneck?

HEY< there is a WOLF amongst the sheep........hahahaha..more a like a SHEEP in Wolves clothing. Your sheep motherfucker. Follow your friends down the trendy trail poop stack.

See there. This sorry stack of HOMO shit is spewing off at the PIE HOLE AGAIN...hey!

I should make you eat my shit, then make you shit it out, and EAT IT AGAIN..hahahahahaha

Why dont you go over to H.A. and hang out with the greatful dead fans Spool Face, since your in SF......

I love it when retards who think they arent a retard, tells someone to grow up in the same fashion that that same someone is flaming.

Is that you in your avatar? You r a little preppy disco fucker arent you.

Go see your mum, and suck her clit, like you always do when you two are alone.

Are your grandparents still amongst the living?
Originally posted by Dragonlord

metallica sucks cock would know what to do with this wolf...

yeah, he would "Love him, and stroke him and pet him.......and FUCK HIM and call him GEORGE"

Originally posted by ledmag

HEY< there is a WOLF amongst the sheep........hahahaha..more a like a SHEEP in Wolves clothing. Your sheep motherfucker. Follow your friends down the trendy trail poop stack.

See there. This sorry stack of HOMO shit is spewing off at the PIE HOLE AGAIN...hey!

I should make you eat my shit, then make you shit it out, and EAT IT AGAIN..hahahahahaha

Why dont you go over to H.A. and hang out with the greatful dead fans Spool Face, since your in SF......

I love it when retards who think they arent a retard, tells someone to grow up in the same fashion that that same someone is flaming.

Is that you in your avatar? You r a little preppy disco fucker arent you.

Go see your mum, and suck her clit, like you always do when you two are alone.

Are your grandparents still amongst the living?

Was that supposed to be funny? Should I tickle myself?

Fucking amateur.
Do you want to tickel yourself? DO you make it a habbit of ticckling yourself? DO you tickle your dads balls?

I was only making suggestions

All but the shit in your mouth...I would love to have the chance to do that.
Hey Redneck.

Your suggestions are pathetic.

I'll give you another chance; I know people from Kentucky are very slow...
rednecks are amusing

ledmag's got a real life.I suggest you get one too.
Bitching about music and people liking music on an internet message board for a significant portion of the day constitutes a "real life?" Wow, I learn something new every day:)

Oh, and I love Opeth........so sue me
Originally posted by Wolff
Hey Redneck.

Your suggestions are pathetic.

I'll give you another chance; I know people from Kentucky are very slow...

Yeah, and most ppl from SF are gay...so what.

Im slow at TURTLE NECKS.....like the one in your avatar.

Dont try to push your retard ass on me.......dont be late for the little bus.

WHen you were a kid, and you caught your parents FUCKING, all your dads cum dripping off your MUMS chin as she so labourously slurped at it, trying not to let a single drop of the white milky substance hit the floor.......did you pull at your penis?

Get your finger out of your ass , wash it, brush your teeth, and go to bed, dont make me tell you twice slurp fest.
Originally posted by O'blivion
rednecks are amusing

Bitching about music and people liking music on an internet message board for a significant portion of the day constitutes a "real life?" Wow, I learn something new every day:)

Oh, and I love Opeth........so sue me

Does anyone see a retard magnet laying around somewhere? These motherfuckers are crawling out of the wood work.

Ok chum, here is the deal, go back and re click on the link at the firts post of this thread..once you get there, read that whole thread...Then come back here and re read this whole thread, cause you are either A) a retard. Or B) You have shot your moth off to soon. Or C)Shit just rolls out of your mouth.

Im glad you love OPeth.........DO you force Opeth on ppl? If some one came to the OPETH board and said "I like Opeth, they are not my fav, but pretty damn good"...WOuld flame someone for a statement like that? If not, your not even in question here, much less welcome(not that i can stop ya from droppin in, but...)

As far as me gettin a life, well, you too fuck wad.....Once again, a SON OF A BITCH(that means your whore mum is a DOG motherfucker) , or a hypocrite has dropped in. Yep, thats what you are. Flame me for flaming....uh.....ok.so you are soooooooo grown up. FUCK you kids are amazing.

Your buddy up there wolf pussy, he called me a racist, then he pokes fun at KY..........he also like turtle necks, and goofy kiddy glasses, yes, look at his littl emembers only avatar.
Originally posted by Dragonlord

fuck this must be the funniest thread ever

Yeah, its pretty funny. These Jokers just keep comin back. I hope they are havin fun, and not really retards. BUt, it looks like the latter instead.......oh well my old friend, do you think we should merly look over these little jock straps?
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
Are those your gay children ledmag? You know what they say "Like father, like unholy offspring":rolleyes:

HAHAHA, that was a good one poison one. Very good.
(your lucky you and I have been gettin along as of late,,you know, sharing info on bands......LOL)

Really though..no joke here.....I can have children, but saddly enough, my wife can't. So, no, haha, they arent my kids, If the treatment my wife has been having fails to FIX the problem, we are thinking of adopting. I was speaking of the OPETH regulars who continue coming for more. You know, they asked me to stop, I did, then I had to start again. That guy in the turtle neck must really like me.
I think I could type any random words, and somehow you'd find a way to construe it as an intended offense. that's so cool. ledmag, if you think you're having fun, just imagine how the rest of are getting giddy watching you spout off like a loose top:D

with that in mind, check out this site: burn maker

'tis very cool
I can have children, but saddly enough, my wife can't

...Sorry to hear that ledmag! But i'm sure that something will work out good in the end either way.

Your buddy up there wolf pussy, he called me a racist, then he pokes fun at KY..........

He he... The 'opeth contradiction syndrome' has struck again.. :lol:
Originally posted by ledmag

HEY< there is a WOLF amongst the sheep........hahahaha..more a like a SHEEP in Wolves clothing. Your sheep motherfucker. Follow your friends down the trendy trail poop stack.

See there. This sorry stack of HOMO shit is spewing off at the PIE HOLE AGAIN...hey!

I should make you eat my shit, then make you shit it out, and EAT IT AGAIN..hahahahahaha

Why dont you go over to H.A. and hang out with the greatful dead fans Spool Face, since your in SF......

I love it when retards who think they arent a retard, tells someone to grow up in the same fashion that that same someone is flaming.

Is that you in your avatar? You r a little preppy disco fucker arent you.

Go see your mum, and suck her clit, like you always do when you two are alone.

Are your grandparents still amongst the living?

Right. Do you use a computer program to generate sentences, eh, or are you truly this illiterate?

Anyways I've never met an cunt like you that was ridiculed by kids half their age, and still kept coming for more.

Must be that you're wife's not kinky enough. She's probably fat, coming to think of it, and disgustingly ugly. What can I say, most KY women are...

P.S. She probably fucks some *my pals* as you put it, on the side. Not much you can do with three inches of your pencil dick, wouldn't you say.

Keep coming redneck, I'm sure your wife's enjoying Tyrone and Jamal somewhere in a dark alley.
Originally posted by Trapped

...Sorry to hear that ledmag! But i'm sure that something will work out good in the end either way.

He he... The 'opeth contradiction syndrome' has struck again.. :lol:

And what exactly would you know about it? ;)

Come on, write something about Nietzche, I need to laugh a little. Ledmag is failing miserably to tickle me, but then again there's not much you can expect from a miserable sad cunt. :D
Originally posted by Dragonlord

fuck this must be the funniest thread ever

No, you've missed some good ones in the OPETH forum. What were you doing kargiola, fucking a goat in the alley?