Had an argument with a drummer today...

joeymusicguy - I would recommend you get samples of that snare and either get Drumagog or aptrigga. I always did that when I was at the studio and I just somehow got a killer snare sound, sample that bitch and keep it in Drumagog's folder. I ended up with probably more snare samples than I could shake a stick at before I left. Shoulda got a backup of all of them before I quit working there :(

I'll take up that challenge of a good 'natural' kick drum sound for metal.. one day..

Send me money and it'll happen quicker!

PS.. what instrument/drum is usefull -as is- ?
Sometime way back, before the age of reason, when people were still recording black metal with answering machines, an engineer decided it would be best for everyone involved if they SMASHED THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF BASS DRUM MIDS!!! Reason being probably that, stylistically, most metal doesn't really need a whole lot of dynamic expression from the kick drum, and there's a lot of shit already taking up said midrange.
If you listen there's still some metal bands that use a relatively dry kick during the softer parts of their songs, but I've heard it used during heavy parts before and it just sounds wrong. Possibly due to the fact that we're all so used to that scooped kick sound. I'd really be interested to see someone take the effort to really try and pull it off well.
i have a live recording of my yamaha stage custom with eq4's on it, a foam pad, and a resonant head with port hole

it sounded dead on as i lay dying, a magical night! cops shut the show down after 5 songs, bummer
elephant-audio said:
joeymusicguy - I would recommend you get samples of that snare and either get Drumagog or aptrigga. I always did that when I was at the studio and I just somehow got a killer snare sound, sample that bitch and keep it in Drumagog's folder. I ended up with probably more snare samples than I could shake a stick at before I left. Shoulda got a backup of all of them before I quit working there :(

yeah i use drumagog when my above post doesnt happen
its just a staple in my work, i have to mix so fast, i dont have time to play around with it, if it sounds dumb, its getting replaced

good idea with sampling it, i think i will, i did have him track each drum seperately after the songs were done, so i had some samples to work with in case anything was hit too lightly during the performance. i do this with all my recordings because i've learned from that mistake the hard way.
my drummer uses a ported kick drum head

we have a hard time getting things to sound right in the studio (we're noobs tho, so the head isn't entirely to blame by any means) but we've had a lot of sound guys tell us we have one of the best kick sounds they've worked with
i love projects that are going with programmed drums

cuz then i get to know the drummer, and we become friends, and we "conversate"

otherwise, the drummer either argues with me, doesnt trust me, or gets discouraged and loses self esteem after i rock the kit for a few mins to check out the sound from drummers perspective

but then there are the cool guys that just come in, know their shit, have good sounding drums, and nail it. for those dudes its eye contact and hand shakes and a, "wow you rock."

(the other guys get that wow you rock too, to keep the atmosphere good ;-)
lol i hate drummers (well most)..especially the ones who have never practiced with a metronome before and have to play to a click track. oh and the ones who come in to record with cracked cymbals and toms sounding like shit. i also think the drummer in my band is annoying as hell.
MX582 said:
lol i hate drummers (well most)..especially the ones who have never practiced with a metronome before and have to play to a click track

that will make you wanna strangle them

"hey man, you're coming in late on that first hit...you've gotta start it off right if you want this track to kick ass"

...15 takes later...

"hey man, i've heard you attempt to play this 15 times...and you've been late on the first hit 14 of those; the one time you came in properly, i think you were playing a different song" o_O
because most of you probally are guitar players you don't know how annoying you guys as guitar players can be. you piss so much on us drummers, but guitar players can be a pain in the ass as well....
hope i made my point..
it's not about the drummer of guitar player is stupid discussion, i think we're talking about people/humans that are stupid and ignorant..
Funky Animal said:
because most of you probally are guitar players you don't know how annoying you guys as guitar players can be. you piss so much on us drummers, but guitar players can be a pain in the ass as well....
hope i made my point..
it's not about the drummer of guitar player is stupid discussion, i think we're talking about people/humans that are stupid and ignorant..

shut up bitch :p
Funky Animal said:
because most of you probally are guitar players you don't know how annoying you guys as guitar players can be. you piss so much on us drummers, but guitar players can be a pain in the ass as well....
hope i made my point..
it's not about the drummer of guitar player is stupid discussion, i think we're talking about people/humans that are stupid and ignorant..

how so? i'm not trying to start an argument, i'm just curious to know what drummers think of typical guitar players
I'm a guitar player and I hate guitar players as well, what's with their fucking ego's? I never think I'm better than anyone else, I'm the opposite, I'm completely shit on guitar imo. And I'd never bag on drummers as to me playing drums is a fuckload harder than playing guitar.
cobhc said:
I'm a guitar player and I hate guitar players as well, what's with their fucking ego's? I never think I'm better than anyone else, I'm the opposite, I'm completely shit on guitar imo. And I'd never bag on drummers as to me playing drums is a fuckload harder than playing guitar.

Ha yes so true. I still have more issues with drummers though. Especially ones that don't know that they play a rythem instroment so maybe just perhaps maybe they should develope or already have some rythem?
Yeah, I've always heard this phrase "Finding drummers is hard, finding a drummer who can play well is really hard, finding one who can keep time, is damn near impossible".
cobhc said:
I'm a guitar player and I hate guitar players as well, what's with their fucking ego's? I never think I'm better than anyone else, I'm the opposite, I'm completely shit on guitar imo. And I'd never bag on drummers as to me playing drums is a fuckload harder than playing guitar.

playing any instrument well is difficult for most people...there are those few that have the natural ability to be pretty good at making music, but even they have to put plenty of work into it

i also find that a lot of musicians simply don't take their role in a band seriously...i think a good drummer should have an energetic vibe, and be solid as a rock...i think guitarists should play things tight and have half a clue how to get a good sound...bassists should be locked in with the drummer, and let no one be mistaken where that thunderous low end should be...and singers should be really good frontmen, interact with the crowd the most, have plenty of energy, and (if they have any) hit their freakin melodies in tune!!!!

but people who have the drive to do such things aren't easy to find by any means...it takes A LOT of work