HAH-Humans Against Humanity

I don't know whether to join HAH or whether to start my own group of NAH (Nature Against Humanity).
F.Nietzche said: Man must be overcome.
I have much hope for AIDS and other over due epidemics.
^Won't the bomb destroy the virus?
The sheer amount of radiation(forget the explosion for now) at a nuke's ground zero is enough to dismantle every single dna and proteins near into stupid atoms
Do you guys need an evil engineer and constructor of weapons of mass destruction and total anihilation? If so, me: dr. Jerkoffski reports for duty.
Damn dildo master is already taken? :erk: In that case I'll be Rupert Kingsworth the third and I'll be in charge of beating up the elderly with my jewel encrusted scepter of justice!

Viva la HAH!!!
rayden_ad said:
You don't know Monaco? Luxenburg ? Iceland ? etc :Spin:

Of course, they are almost like real countries. Except for Monaco, but people are just filthy rich there.

And i still think lightsabers are gay, but hey, death is death
Heavenscent said:
Of course, they are almost like real countries. Except for Monaco, but people are just filthy rich there.

And i still think lightsabers are gay, but hey, death is death

then u most know Andorra, :D
Fenrir13 said:
Hey, Ralf, of course we need an engineer. We ARE building the UberMegaNuke after all! And we don't want it to go off until we plant it at the earth's core to eradicate the whole planet. :p
I told you, it won't work :erk:
Fenrir13 said:
Well, of course, Zsu. I've known you for a couple of years now!

Ok, so Missery: I put you in charge of the Unecessary Surgery brigade.
Heavenscent: You run the zombie group, as said,
Zsuzsa: You must also help recruit new members, and wear the barbed wire beret next to me :p And carry a flail.

I'm ready to lead the Unnecessary Surgery brigade to bloody victory! Oh, btw, my name shall from now on be rat-arsed corpse. All hail chaos and destruction