Yes, today is my birthday, making me 20 years old, no longer a teenager, and not quite an adult. Aside from waking up next to my wonderful girlfreind with a number of presents for me, i just recieved a phone call from my dad. A few days ago, in the post called 'arg! i want my cd's back!' i mentioned that i had a car that got stolen from me with about 20 cds in it. Well in said phone call my dad told me that the police had just found my car! It was stolen about 9 months ago in august. The police found it in Calumet City, IL. Makes sense in that ghetto, since it was a black guy that stole it was a skinny negro crack head who wiggled in thru the rear window that was partially down (there were witnesses). MY mom was driving it at the time. So for my birthday i get to be a 2 car owner.
Problem is, on the recovered cutlass, the dash has been removed, along with the door handles and front and rear bumpers, and the windshield is smashed. But hey, i got a car for my birthday!