HaHA! Wimmenz

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
haha, my girlfriend who dumped me like 3 weeks ago cause she didn't like the long distance relationship thing just sent me a message on msn (while I was sleeping), i'm sure she's gonna tell me she wants to hook back up with me.

it went:
"I thought about you last night, you suddenly popped into my head and wouldn't leave"

i replied this morning:
"Was a grinning like a buffoon?"

then went to school.

Should be fun!!!
balls in your court dude ... you can ask for anyhting ... bring in the second chick ... or henrik Main, if that's your thing :loco:
it's a tough decision. She was one of those "something is better than nothing" type of girlfriends. i'll probably take her back and just not tell her about my adventures in vancouver :p
mostly getting hammered and boning people and not remembering until I hear about it from my buddies... or vaguely remembering it... or the phone #s i've found in my pants 3 days later and shit. hell, i found a phone # written on my spine once.
yes i have.

i'm smart enough to wrap mah willy. And i avoid surrey sluts like the plague. Most of these girls know friends of mine. I almost never bang a chick i met in the bar.