Hahahaha, ooooopppsss.

Dec 27, 2004
Hahaha, aparently in the middle of some gay party last night, I picked up some garden clippers

and started cutting my arm and yelling shit about satan.

...needless to say I passed out and got dropped off in the middle of my backyard, where I woke up a little while ago with blood everywhere. I'de take pictures but I don't think anyone cares.
If there's lots of blood involved, go ahead. Dunno if it's as kewl as the time I was at a party and one of my mates was sleeping with one of my lady friends, so I got a pair of garden shears and straddled him with the blades up against his throat :Saint:
Ayeka said:
If there's lots of blood involved, go ahead.

with the blades up against his throat :Saint:

haha not that much blood anymore.

and i hav ea pic of me doing that early on in the night when i wasn't wasted. to myself though, GRIM KVLT BLACK NEKRO METUHLZ.
Ayeka said:
That'll scar up nicely -_- you should do pentagram shapes next time or something.

i did that the other night, but only as a joke so it wouldn't scar.

Obviously this time I didn't have enough thought to make pretty designs, haha
Obviously this time I didn't have enough thought to make pretty designs, haha

Yeah, I guess most people aren't thinking of Baroque architecture when clippers and alcohol are going around ^_^;;
My friend got super drunk one night and carved runes into his arms. I also knew these guys who heated up a coat hanger and carved 13 into their forearms (they were in the band 13 stitches at the time).