Yea, Seattle show pictures.....

tered said:

Shacking up with two other guys at the Star Motel...$67

NJ to SEA R/T airfair...$200-$300

Hugging a monitor all night at the Nevermore show in your overpaid prize Ebay shirt...PRICELESS!

:tickled: awesome pic.

note: Yes, I WAS that tired.........and to get an idea of how wet I was, that shirt is black, right? look at the shirt near my left hand. THAT's the shade of the whole shirt. i was DRENCHED!
Yea we were all drenched. Fuckin' awesome though! If you look closely at ^^ that picture, I'm so exhausted, I was having trouble seeing at the time... I also have a big bruise on my left eyebrow... it didn't form up until today though...