Oh, and I officially have to apologize to Seattle fans. I saw at least 5 people with painted faces.
Maharet said:thats odd! At the Great American in SF, they allowed cameras in and said flash photography was ok for the first few songs...even for Dimmu....
You were there? Was MetalSteph? I don't know if I'd've recognized you, but I would have Steph. I didn't even bother w/camera. When I attended the Type O/Nevermore show, I had a security guard tell me that if I didn't put my camera away (2.0mp elf) that they would take it away. So I didn't bother with this show or Type O & Cradle of Filth last Sunday.ms. anthrope said:i actually got some photos of this show (thanks, frank-o!). they were extremely strict about it, but security was cool since we had passes. hope they came out okay. i really enjoyed this show despite being sick as a dog. awesome venue!
Red/orange braids? That was my friend Creatrix777. I am about 5'2" w/long dark hair and dark clothes. How could you have missed me? LOL. I also stayed in the 'adult section' for the most part. I'm too short to see in the crowd and not driven enough anymore to fight to the barrier. I had a pretty good view from the raised dias back by the coatcheck/bar area. (Oh yeah, that Shagrath is a cutie. I'm hoping for other bandmembers when he get's permission to use them.)ms. anthrope said:yes i was in seattle... are you the girl with braids?
no... steph couldn't make the seattle show(wah!). my dinky digital camera was not cutting it, so i used a disposable one... better than nothing, huh?
i LOVE those shots of shagrath! he is a cutie.
Yes, that probably is me then; I wear glasses and was at both of those events. Damn! I left too early! I certainly did not see any female boobs and buttocks.ms. anthrope said:okay... are you the girl with the glasses? if so, i've seen you at the CD release party, as well as seattle metal fest. i was kinda hiding out that night since i looked and felt like crap. were you around when some chick flashed her boobs and butt on the bus?
i don't think the guys made it out to goofy's - we left them pretty late, too... 4am-ish.
The problem is, I'm a year off from legal drinking age, so I can't actually go in there... I can however heckle you from that little coat check areaLillitu said:@Darknoise: do, if it's the showbox and it's all ages, I usually hang out at the back bar to the right of the stage (as you are looking at it).